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Spec: Flow

Kris Kowal edited this page Nov 26, 2012 · 1 revision

FLOW Spec in progress by Javier Román


  1. Introduction

  2. Data Source 2.1. Properties

  3. Paths 3.1. Translation 3.2. Additional Parameters 3.2.1. Density 3.2.2. Rotation 3.2.3. Arbitrary CSS 3.3. Multiple Paths 3.4. Properties

  4. Scroll 4.1. Properties

  5. Scrolling Transitions 5.1. Properties 5.2. Methods 5.3. Events

  6. Camera and Frustum Culling 6.1. Properties

  7. Dependencies

  8. Introduction

Flow is a UI component that allows the design of scrollable 3D-layouts (that will be called paths) for a given list of data and/or components (a repetition).

Flow is useful to create a wide range of visual interfaces, like a common vertical/horizontal scrollable list or a 3D carousel.

  1. Data Source

Flow requires a list of data/components. As Flow internally requires the Repetition component, it shares Repetition’s functionality/API.

Flow wraps the iteration with a div element, allowing this way composite CSS3 transforms: the ones specified by the path and the ones CSS-defined for selected/active status of elements in the repetition.

2.1. Properties (same as Repetition) Property





Objects Array








Integers Array


Integers Array

  1. Paths

Paths define the 3D-layout of the repetition. The elements in the repetition will be positioned along the path at regular intervals. When Flow scrolls, the elements will move along the path. Multiple paths can be defined and the elements in the repetition will be assigned a path by interleaving its iteration index to the number of paths.

3.1. Translation

Translation in a path is defined as a 3D cubic Bézier spline. A Bézier spline is defined as multiple chained Bézier curve segments, where the end knot (3D point the curve crosses) of a curve is the first knot of the next curve. Each knot contains two shape control points called handlers (next handler and previous handler).

3.2. Additional Parameters

At each knot, it is possible to define additional parameters that will give fine grained control in the distribution of elements, rotation of elements, and arbitrary CSS properties applied to elements along the path.

3.2.1. Density

Density parameters controls the amount of elements that will be displayed at each spline curve.

Each knot defines a couple of properties: previousDensity and nextDensity. Density is linearly interpolated along the curve. It is interpolated in the range defined by the current knot’s nextDensity property and the next knot’s previousDensity property.

3.2.2. Rotation

RotateX, rotateY and rotateZ parameters describe the rotation of elements at each knot of the spline. Its value is linearly interpolated along the segment.

3.2.3. Arbitrary CSS

Any CSS parameter can be controlled per knot, and it will be interpolated along the segment as in the case of rotations. Examples: opacity, borderRadius, backgroundColor.

Units have to be defined for each path and each CSS parameter, like, for example, “px” in the case of borderRadius or no units in the case of opacity.

3.3. Multiple Paths

Multiple paths can be defined and Flow will interleave the repetition element at each iteration to a different path. Multiple paths share the scroll property, so they scroll in tandem.

The element at iteration index i in the repetition will be assigned to the path with index i % paths.length. The offset within a path for an element at index i will be computed as floor(i / paths.length).

Example with 2 paths: Element’s index 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Path’s index 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 Offset 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4

3.4. Properties Property Type Description paths Objects Array All paths paths[i] Object Path i paths[i].knots Array Knots at path i paths[i].knots[j] Object Knot j at path i paths[i].units Object Units for arbitrary CSS properties paths[i].units[j] String Example: borderRadius: “px” paths[i].headOffset Number Offset within the path where the first element in the repetition will be for minimum scroll value. Defaults to 0 paths[i].tailOffset Number Offset where the last element in the repetition will be for the maximum scroll value. Defaults to 0 paths[i].knots[j].knotPosition Array [x, y, z] paths[i].knots[j].previousHandlerPosition Array [x, y, z] paths[i].knots[j].nextHandlerPosition Array [x, y, z] paths[i].knots[j].previousDensity Number paths[i].knots[j].nextDensity Number paths[i].knots[j].rotateX Number In radians paths[i].knots[j].rotateY Number In radians paths[i].knots[j].rotateZ Number In radians paths[i].knots[j].[arbitraryCssProperty] Number/Array Array used with units like rgb

  1. Scroll

Some text here

4.1. Properties Property Type Default Description scroll Number 0 isInputEnabled Boolean true Enables/disables scroll by drag and drop

  1. Scrolling Transitions

Scrolling transitions allow Flow to scroll programatically to a given offset in a smooth animation.

5.1. Properties Property Type Default Description scrollingTransitionDuration String/Number “500ms” Same format as CSS3’s transition duration or number interpreted as miliseconds scrollingTransitionTimingFunction String “ease” Same format as CSS3’s transition timing function hasSelectedIndexScrolling Boolean false Automatically starts a scrolling transition of the latest selected index selectedIndexScrollingOffset Number 0 Sets the desired offset for the automatic scrolling transitions during selection

5.2. Methods Method Parameters Description startScrollingIndexToOffset [Integer] index, [Number] offset Starts the scrolling animation of the element at the given index from the current offset to the given offset at the path stopScrolling none Stops the scrolling transition if there is any in-course

5.3. Events Event Description scrollingTransitionStart Fires when a scrolling transition starts scrollingTransitionEnd Fires when a scrolling transition completely ends without haven’t been cancelled scrollingTransitionCancel Fires if:

stopScrolling was called during an in-course transition startScrollingIndexToOffset was called and: The user is touching/clicking the Flow scrollable area, so it is blocked for scrolling transitions A previous transition is in-course. It will fire before the next scrollingTransitionStart event The user clip/tap the scrollable area in the middle of a transition, cancelling it

  1. Camera and Frustum Culling

Flow includes a virtual camera that can be moved inside the 3D scene. Flow’s container element define the viewport of the camera.

This camera can be controlled with 4 parameters: camera position, target position, camera roll and field of view angle (fov). The fov is relative to the height of the viewport.

Flow integrates a frustum culling algorithm to enhance rendering performance and memory consumption by reducing the number of elements in the DOM to the ones captured by the camera, and so, shown on the screen.

This algorithm requires to optimally work the definition of a bounding sphere radius property. This sphere is centered at the rotational axis of the repetition elements, and has to be big enough to bound the bigger of the elements in that repetition. In the current version of Flow, this property is not yet computed automatically, so it needs to be set manually.

6.1. Properties Property Type Default Description cameraPosition Array [0, 0, 800] [x, y, z] cameraTargetPoint Array [0, 0, 0] [x, y, z] cameraRoll Number 0 Angle in radians cameraFov Number 50 Angle in degrees elementsBoundingSphereRadius Number 150

  1. Dependencies

Repetition TranslateComposer


To be defined, but, at least it should include:

  • Create/remove path
  • Add/remove knots
  • Add/modify knot parameters
  • Set/modify units per path and CSS parameter
  • Camera control ...

By performance convenience, the serialization API will not be the same as the internal data structure so it could be defined in the most readable way as possible. A path could be defined as:

path: { knots: [ { knotPosition: [x, y, z], previousHandlerPosition: [x, y, z], nextHandlerPosition: [x, y, z], rotateX: 1, density: 2, opacity: 3, borderRadius: 4 }, { knotPosition: [x, y, z], previousHandlerPosition: [x, y, z], nextHandlerPosition: [x, y, z], rotateX: 5, density: 6, opacity: 7, borderRadius: 8 }, ... ], units: { “rotateX”: “rad”, “borderRadius”: “px”, “opacity”: null } }