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Spec: Custom Serialization

Kris Kowal edited this page Nov 26, 2012 · 1 revision

title: Custom Serialization editor: António Afonso dos Santos Martins


The former method to achieve a custom serialization on an object is to implement the serializeSelf(serializer, propertyNames) method that allows the object to specify which values to serialize.

However, this approach only allows the object to choose which values to serialize in the properties of a serialization, while other units — like bindings or the type of object — are automatically decided by inspecting the object. As a consequence, changing the object to be serialized is also not possible. This type of fine grained customization is needed in different parts of the framework: The bindings as well as the listeners just need to serialize a literal object and not the underlying montage object they are represented with; this is also the format inputted by the user at the moment. The repetition when serializing an iteration doesn’t need (or want) to reserialize its bindings and/or listeners. This specification proposes a different API to accommodate these needs.

Functional Description

The API should be able to define the serialization of:

  • type: “object” or ”prototype” or ”value”
  • properties
  • other units: bindings, listeners


Rename current serializeSelf to serializeProperties. Rename current deserializeSelf to deserializeProperties.

Add the following delegates:

  • serializeSelf(serializer, propertyNames)

    If this function returns a value other than undefined, that value will be serialized instead of the current object.

    • serializer: serializer instance
    • propertyNames: array of property names declared as serializable.
  • deserializeSelf(deserializer)

    • deserializer: deserializer instance

Add the following API to Serializer:

  • setType(type, value)

    The set of the type is completely optional because the default for the current object is already applied.

    • type: can be one of “prototype”, “object” or “value”.
    • value: the value of the type, a module id in the case of “property” or “object”, a value if “value”.
  • setProperties(names)

    • names: an array of property names to be added to the properties serialization unit.
  • setProperty(name, value)

    • name: the name to use in the properties serialization unit to serialize the value given. value: the value to serialize.
  • setUnits()

    add all serialization units to the object serialization.

  • setUnit(name)

    • name: the name of the serialization unit to add to the object serialization.
  • getObjectLabel(object)

    • object: the object to get the label from.

Add the following API to Deserializer:

  • deserializeProperties()

    Deserializes the entire properties serialization unit.

  • getProperty(name)

    Gets the value for the property name given.

    • name: the name of the property.
  • deserializeUnits()

    Deserializes all serialization units.

  • deserializeUnit(name)

    • name: the unit name to be deserialized.
  • getType()

    Gets the type of the serialized object/value. It can be one of: “prototype”, “object” or “value”.

  • getTypeValue()

    Gets the value of the object type, a module id in the case of “property” or “object”, a value if “value”.

  • getObjectByLabel(label)

    • label: The label of the object to return.

Changes to the Serializer API:

  • addObjectReference(object) ->

    Returns an object reference to the object.



The Repetition can improve the serialization of its iteration by using the following delegate:

    serializeSelf: function(serializer) {
        serializer.setProperty("element", this._element);
        serializer.setProperty("_isComponentExpanded", true);

Bindings and listeners will not be serialized.

Binding Descriptor

    serializeSelf: function(serializer) {
        return {
            boundObject: serializer.getObjectReference(this.boundObject),
            boundObjectPropertyPath: this.boundObjectPropertyPath,
            oneway: this.oneway,
            deferred: this.deferred,
            converter: this.converter

Returns an object literal to serialize instead.


  • No idea on how to make (de)serializeSelf backwards compatible, ideas are welcome.