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Overridable methods

Stuk edited this page Mar 12, 2013 · 6 revisions

You can implement certain methods on your objects and components that will be called. This is a list of them until we have more JSDoc documentation.



Constructor called after the object is created



Called before the first draw of the component. This is where you should write to the DOM for any setup that needs to happen before the first draw. This includes adding any event listeners on your DOM elements, except for touch or mouse event listeners (see prepareForActivationEvents).


Called the first time a touch event or mouse event is received on one of your child elements. This is where you should listen for any events that occur after user interaction.


Called before the draw of the component. This is where you should read any values from the DOM (for example the styles of you element or child elements). See draw.


This is the only place that your component should modify the DOM. By putting DOM reads in willDraw and DOM writes in draw all the reads and all the writes are batched together, which reduces the number of browser repaints and increases the fluidity of your app.


Called after the draw of the component. This is where you should read any values from the DOM (for example the styles of you element or child elements). See draw.


Called before the domContent of the component is changed.


Called after the domContent of the component is changed.


Called before a child component's willPrepareForDraw.


Called before the first draw of the component. This is where you should read the DOM for any setup that needs to happen on the first draw.



Called on any object that appears in a template serialization, after it has been deserialized.


Called on the owner of a template, most likely a component, when all the objects in the template have loaded and been instantiated.