Current version is 2.0.b
(2022-02-23 edition).
Kromsatel is a program which preprocesses ("cleans") raw reads of amplicon sequencing.
For example, when the genome of SARS-CoV-2 is sequenced, raw reads of amplicons produced using ARTIC protocol can be processed with kromsatel before any downstream sequence analysis. Any other amplicon protocol is (most likely) also acceptable; however, only ARTIC has been tested.
short reads (e.g. Illumina). Reads may be either paired-end or single-end. Kromsatel was tested on Illumina data.
long reads (e.g. Oxford Nanopore). Kromsatel was tested on Oxford Nanopore data.
For kromsatel, the "preprocessing" stands for the following:
Remove primer sequences from reads.
Trim reads so that any unaligned part of read is removed.
Discriminate reads coming from major, minor, and non-specific amplicons (see the picture below, TODO).
Split chimeric reads into consistent fragments (only long reads).
- Python 3 ( The script is tested on Python interpreter version 3.8.5.
The script is written in Python 3 and won't work on Python 2.
BLAST+ toolkit.
It can be downloaded here.
BLAST+ Installation:
- Linux: download tarball, unpack it and add
directory from unpacked tree toPATH
variable. (this should also work for macOS)
Kromsatel has been tested on Linux with BLAST+ version 2.12.0+.
- Linux: download tarball, unpack it and add
Mandatory arguments are marked with *
-h (--help) -- print the help message and exit.
-v (--version) -- print version and exit.
-1 (--reads-R1) -- a fastq file of forward reads.
The file may be gzipped.
-2 (--reads-R2) -- a fastq file of reverse reads.
The file may be gzipped.
-l (--reads-long) -- a fastq file of long reads.
The file may be gzipped.
* -p (--primers) -- a CSV file of primer names and sequences.
This file must be a two-column CSV file without header.
* -r (--reference) -- a fasta file of reference sequence.
-o (--outdir) -- output directory.
Default value is './kromsatel_output'
-s (--split-output) -- split ouput files into 3 "classes":
"major", "minor" and "uncertain".
Disabled by default.
Computational resources:
-t (--threads) -- number of threads to launch.
Default: 1 thread.
-m (--min-len) -- minimum length of an output read.
Default: 25 bp.
-k (--blast-task) -- BLASTn task to launch.
Allowed values: 'megablast', 'dc-megablast', 'blastn'.
Default is 'megablast'.
-c (--chunk-size) -- number of reads to blast within a single query.
The larger is the chunk size, the higher is the memory consumption.
Default: 1000 reads.
--crop-len -- number of nucleotides to crop from end of reads
originating from a non-specific amplicon.
Default: 'auto' (maximum primer length).
--primer-5ext -- size of 5' primer coordinates extention.
Low (< 2 bp) values of this parameter may result in extra major alignments
classified as uncertain, and vice versa for high values (> 10 bp).
Default: 5 bp.
--use-index -- Whether to use BLAST index.
Permitted values: auto, true, false.
"auto" mode: true for megablast and blastn, false for dc-megablast.
Default: false.
./ \
-1 20_S30_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz \
-2 20_S30_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz \
-p primers/nCov-2019_primers.csv \
-r reference/Wuhan-Hu-1-compele-genome.fasta \
-o 20_S30_outdir
./ \
-1 20_S30_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz \
-p primers/nCov-2019_primers.csv \
-r reference/Wuhan-Hu-1-compele-genome.fasta \
-o 20_S30_outdir
./ \
-l all_pass_15.fastq.gz \
-p primers/nCov-2019_primers.csv \
-r reference/Wuhan-Hu-1-compele-genome.fasta \
-o Wuhan-Hu-1_outdir
./ \
-1 20_S30_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz \
-2 20_S30_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz \
-p primers/nCov-2019_primers.csv \
-r reference/Wuhan-Hu-1-compele-genome.fasta \
-o 20_S30_outdir \
-k dc-megablast \
-c 2000 \
-m 50 \
-t 4 \
--crop-len 27 \
--primer-5ext 3
Kromsatel keeps read headers unchanged.
For Nanopore data, kromsatel modifies headers of output reads. Thus, the header of an output read will looklike this:
@<ORIGINAL_READ_NAME>_<QSTART>-<QEND> [runid,sampleid,etc...]
, where QSTART and QEND are 1-based coordinates of, correspondingly, start and end of the aligned fragment, which yields the output read.
An example of a modified read name in an output file:
@98786bd2-88a6-43ca-8c69-704992ad69cb_28-98 runid=...,sampleid=...,etc...