Releases: JuliaPhylo/PhyloNetworks.jl
Releases · JuliaPhylo/PhyloNetworks.jl
PhyloNetworks v0.16.4
- breaking change to internal function: addleaf! returns new leaf, not net
- modified RNG within snaq!: will generate different network proposals, compared to same seed but v0.16.3
Merged pull requests:
- fix bug: when deleting a hybrid edge leads to simplification of parallel edges at hybrid with 2 children (#207) (@cecileane)
- Fix for the slow but constant increase in memory usage (#209) (@NathanKolbow)
- fix 2-cycle (parallel edges) bug in snaq (#211) (@cecileane)
- documentation: workflow, badges, workshop link, ftest warnings (#212) (@cecileane)
Closed issues:
PhyloNetworks v0.16.3
Merged pull requests:
- CompatHelper: bump compat for NLopt to 1, (keep existing compat) (#202) (@github-actions[bot])
- fix #201 and #205 (#206) (@cecileane)
Closed issues:
PhyloNetworks v0.16.2
Closed issues:
- Get rid of
(#185) - Support extended Newick? (#193)
- Inheritance Probability Confidence Interval? (#198)
Merged pull requests:
- CompatHelper: bump compat for StatsBase to 0.34, (keep existing compat) (#199) (@github-actions[bot])
- for v0.16.2 (#200) (@cecileane)
PhyloNetworks v0.16.1
- better method to read a 'trees' block from a nexus-formatted file
more generally applicable to convert a vector ofQuartetT
s to a data frame
Merged pull requests:
- read nexus tree blocks: with translate tables and networks (#197) (@cecileane)
PhyloNetworks v0.16.0
breaking changes:
- Getter names (getchild, getparent etc.) were changed with standardized names, and are now exported.
Old getter names are deprecated, so users should run julia with deprecation warnings (julia --depwarn=yes) to get info on new names to update their code. - PhyloNetworkLinearModel's are no longer wrapped in a TableRegressionModel
- Evolutionary model of TraitSimulation and PhyloNetworkLinearModel objects: now in field 'evomodel'
- more accessors, e.g. getroot, isleaf, isexternal, isrootof, isparentof, ischildof
bug fixes:
- in get and setGammas: fixed to work with non-tree-child networks
- in addAlternativeHybridizations!
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- CompatHelper: bump compat for Functors to 0.4, (keep existing compat) (#189) (@github-actions[bot])
- standardize and export getter names (#190) (@cecileane)
- Get rid of
(#194) (@pbastide) - CompatHelper: bump compat for StatsModels to 0.7, (keep existing compat) (#195) (@github-actions[bot])
- near v0.16.0 (#196) (@cecileane)
PhyloNetworks v0.15.3
Edge type: parametrized by its Node type to use a vector of concrete type
Improved manual & tests about multiple alleles
bug fixes:
removal of degree-2 nodes, used in deleteleaf!
removal of hybrid edges with low inheritance
read table of qCFs: bug due to compatibility; now requires DataFrames v1.3
Closed issues:
- multiple alleles: bug in mapAllelesCFtable? (#143)
Merged pull requests:
- better handling of 2-cycle at the root (#186) (@cecileane)
- parametric EdgeT with vector of concrete node type (#187) (@cecileane)
- bug fix to read table of qCFs (#188) (@cecileane)
PhyloNetworks v0.15.2
new features:
- shrinkedge! e.g. to create a polytomy
- least stable ancestor: find it, delete what's above
bug fixes in:
- rootatnode!: redirect edges before error, if re-rooting failed (and better error message, keyword argument 'verbose' removed)
- biconnectedComponents, when there were parallel edges
Merged pull requests:
- bug fix for biconnected components (#182) (@cecileane)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for FASTX to 2, (keep existing compat) (#183) (@github-actions[bot])
- v0.15.2: redirect edges if re-rooting failed. new: shrinkedge! (#184) (@cecileane)
PhyloNetworks v0.15.1
Merged pull requests:
- CompatHelper: bump compat for Functors to 0.3, (keep existing compat) (#178) (@github-actions[bot])
- Error when the network has negative or missing branches for phylolm (#180) (@pbastide)
- removedegree2nodes! : option to keep the root (#181) (@cecileane)
PhyloNetworks v0.15.0
new features in newick network parsing:
- faster reading of multiple phylogenies
- negative edge lengths are now read, but set to 0
- nexus-style comments are allowed (and ignored)
breaking change:
- nulldeviance considers the null model without an intercept if the input model doesn't have one.
bug fixes in:
- reading of fasta files, with ambiguous sites
- deleteleaf! for highly non-tree-child networks
- hybridlambdaformat with existing original internal node names, e.g. when read as bootstrap values, that caused Hybrid-Lambda to fail silently.
Closed issues:
- deleteleaf method bug (#153)
- Minor doc typo (#166)
- PhyloNetworks prevents BioSequences package upgrade (#168)
- Speed of
compared tomap
with large amount of trees (#170) - readTopology with negative edge lengths (#176)
Merged pull requests:
- Fast read multi topology (#173) (@gaballench)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for StatsFuns to 1, (keep existing compat) (#174) (@github-actions[bot])
- Update nulldeviance for models with no intercept (#175) (@pbastide)
- newick parsing: handle negative edge lengths, comments (#177) (@cecileane)
PhyloNetworks v0.14.3
- plot fix in doc
- compat: julia v1.7, BioSequences v3, CSV 0.10
Merged pull requests: