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is highly capable and customizable pack. It provides you some powerful and handy features out of the box. All you have to do just set up it.

Wise Note

This is not any kind of laravel composer package. This is a laravel project itself just has a backend with some good handy features that you need in almost every project.


  • MultiAuth, Role, and Permission Builder (GUI).
  • Dynamic Drag and Drop side Menu Builder (GUI).
  • Server-side ENV editor (GUI).
  • Site Settings (Edit: contact info, metas, logos, etc).
  • Artisan View (create view file via command line).
  • Dynamic Validation error handling with sweet toast.
  • Backup Manager (GUI) [backup manager has a bug right now!]


Project requires php "7.3|^8.2"


For install just clone the repo and go inside of it and run These #1-#8 commands and that will do the job.

#1 composer install

#2 cp .env.example .env

#3 php artisan key:generate

#4 php artisan migrate:fresh

#5 php artisan db:seed

#6 php artisan optimize:clear

#7 php artisan config:cache

#8 php artisan serve

Admin Login

Email: [email protected]

Password: password


Role and Permission

you can create role and Permission via Gui it really easy to use. the GUI base on Spatie Permission . so its works like same as spaite permission's documentation says. but `` has some own command alongside it. Let's see some basic handy commands.

suppose you have a Blog model and you want to make 4 basic permission for it

  • readBlog
  • writingBlog
  • editBlog
  • deleteBlog

and guess what you can create this basic resource permission with a single command

Deleting is the same as creating single permission. just you have to mention the model name and add a flag of --delete and the name of the permission.


After creating all the permissions now you can assign those permissions under a specific Role. Just go to Admin panel and go to Access Control then Roles you will find a +Add Role Button one at the top. Click there to define a Role name and click one the permissions you like to assign for this particular role that's all.

By default comes with an inbuild Super Admin Role. All kinds of permissions will automatically be assigned to the Super Admin.

Use Role or Permission on Middleware:

The first thing that you have to know that Authentication by default uses a admin guard. so be careful when you are defining Middleware you have to remember that you have to pass guard name with it or Middleware won't work.

# if you want to Authnticat via permission
function __construct()
        $this->middleware(['permission:createBlog', 'auth:admin']);

        # or multiple check

        $this->middleware(['permission:createBlog,editBlog,deleteBlog', 'auth:admin']);


# if you want to Authnticat via Role
function __construct()
        $this->middleware(['role:Publisher', 'auth:admin']);

        # or multiple checks
        $this->middleware(['role:SuperAdmin, Admin, Publisher, 'auth:admin']);


# check user is logedin or not.
function __construct()

Authnticat in Blade:

Like middleware, we have to define the guard as well when we will Authnticat in Blade in blade.

# authnticate via permission
@if (auth('admin')->user()->hasAnyPermission('createBlog') # you can pass a array alwell
# do some thing.

# authnticate via role
@if (auth('admin')->user()->hasAnyPermission('publisher') # you can pass a array alwell
# do some thing.


Artisan View:

This package adds a handful of view-related commands to Artisan in your Laravel project. Generate blade files that extend other views, scaffold out sections to add to those templates, and more. All from the command line, we know and love! credit: artisan view

Creating views

# Create a view 'index.blade.php' in the default directory
$ php artisan make:view index

# Create a view 'index.blade.php' in a subdirectory ('pages')
$ php artisan make:view pages.index

# Create a view with a different file extension ('index.html')
$ php artisan make:view index --extension=html

Extending and sections

# Extend an existing view
$ php artisan make:view index --extends=app

# Add a section to the view
$ php artisan make:view index --section=content

# Add multiple sections to the view
$ php artisan make:view index --section=title --section=content

# Add an inline section to the view
# Remember to add quotes around the section if you want to use spaces
$ php artisan make:view index --section="title:Hello world"

# Create sections for each @yield statement in the extended view
$ php artisan make:view index --extends=app --with-yields

# Add @push directives for each @stack statement in the extended view
$ php artisan make:view index --extends=app --with-stacks

REST resources

# Create a resource called 'products'
$ php artisan make:view products --resource

# Create a resource with only specific verbs
$ php artisan make:view products --resource --verb=index --verb=create --verb=edit

Scrapping views

# Remove the view 'index.blade.php'
$ php artisan scrap:view index

# Remove the view by dot notation
$ php artisan scrap:view pages.index

Scrapping a REST resource

# Remove the resource called 'products'
$ php artisan scrap:view products --resource


Dynamic Validation error showing:

suppose you don't want to validate a form and you don't want to take pain for showing errors in the frontend. thats why to make easy you work have a way to handle you validate error'.

goto .env and make add SWEET_TOAST_FOR_ERROR=true


or you can go in config folder and find sweetalert.php and make SWEET_TOAST_FOR_ERROR to true


laravel empty admin mulity auth laravel 10






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