To achieve the function of RISC V2.1 RV32I&RV32E subset
|--There are three documents in folder 'work3':
|--|--code: Our code including 9 files.
|--|--CONST.py : Defining system constants
|--|--D_MEM.py : achieving access to data in memory
|--|--I_MEM.py : achieving access to instruction in memory
|--|--initialization.py : Initializing the system
|--|--instructionSet.py : Implementing the function of the instruction
|--|--main.py : The entrance function of the system
|--|--data.md : The datas needing to load before executing program
|--|--instructions.md : The instruction of your program
|--|--test:We provide three copies of the code ,including AllInstructions test & BullbleSort test & GCD_LCM(Greatest common divisor AND Least common multiple),to test our system.The first number on the result of BullbleSort is the number of the data that to participate in sorting
|--|--instructionSet:We summed up all instruction of the RV32I&RV32E except the system instructions and privilege commands.
|--Be careful
|--|--Your program must be written in the file 'instructions.md' and your data must be wrote in the file 'data.md'
|--|--Vision of the python is 3.5.2
|--something else
|--I'm sorry about that our code annotation is written by chinese,if any messy code,please tell me.E-mail :
[email protected].