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ROS2 driver for lois_ecu

ROS Node for interfacing ECU PCB via Serial communication (termios character device driver).


  • Realtime RPM measurement
  • Realtime Torque measurement
  • Realtime Heading measurement
  • Control via Twist messages
  • Odometry calculation
  • Manipulation and storage of ECU runtime parameters (see config folder)

3rd-party dependencies


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Subscribed Topics

cmd_vel (geometry_msgs::Twist)

linear.x and angular.z are supported

enable_rpmctrl (std_msgs::Bool)

Enables rpm controller. If disabled, cmd_vel linear.x is dutycycle and cmd_vel angular.z ist dutycycle delta.

rpm_request (std_msgs::UInt16MultiArray)

Requests rpm record in format: [samples left, samples right]. Maximum sample number is 1024. Publishes record to rpm_record topic. All running measurements are aborted.

heading_request (std_msgs::UInt32)

Requests heading record. Maximum sample number is 2056. Publishes record to heading_record topic. All running measurements are aborted.

ecu_params_request (std_msgs::Bool)

Triggers publishing of current ecu runtime parameters on ecu_params.

ecu_params (ecu::runtimeparameters)

ECU runtime parameters. See ini-File in config folder for format.

torque_request (std_msgs::UInt16MultiArray)

Requests torque record in format: [samples left, samples right]. Maximum samples are 1024. Publishes record to torque_record topic. All running measurements are aborted.

Published Topics

rpm_record (std_msgs::UInt16MultiArray)

Durations of hal encoder HIGH and LOW times, with 100us resolution. Format: [left_0, ..., left_n, right_0, ..., right_m] . The sample counts n and m are known from the request.

torque_record (std_msgs::UInt16MultiArray)

12-bit current measurements, accquired by averaging 100 samples. Period is 100ms. Format: [left_0, ..., left_n, right_0, ..., right_m] . The sample counts n and m are known from the request.

heading_record (std_msgs::Int16MultiArray)

Compass realtime samples from -180° to 180°. Format: [heading0, ..., heading_n] . The sample counts n is known from the request.

emergency_stop (diagnostic_msgs::DiagnosticStatus)

Emergency stop event. Release: level OK, Push: level ERROR

kvh_heading (std_msgs::Int32)

Perdiodic KVH-C100 compass heading.

gps_data (sensor_msgs::NavSatFix)

Perdiodic UBLOX GPS data

odom_wheel (nav_msgs::Odometry)

Periodic wheel odomery data, tf is also published if enabled.

ecu_params (ecu::runtimeparameters)

Current runtime parameters.


wheel_width_m (float, default: 0.5)

Robot width between wheel centers in m

wheel_radius_m (float, default: 0.13)

Wheel radius in m

encoder_steps (float, default: 66)

Encoder steps per revolution

port (string, default: "/dev/ttyUSB0")

baud (int, default: 115200)

odom_parent (string, default: "odom")

odom_child (string, default: "base_link")

configfile (string, default: "/home/jonas/lois/colcon_ws/lois_ecu/config/runtimeparameters.ini")