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AppRTC URL parameter guide

KaptenJansson edited this page Dec 19, 2014 · 19 revisions

This page contains URL parameters that control certain features in WebRTC and AppRTC.

How to

Use a query string to apply the parameters.



  • debug=loopback sets up a loopback call with yourself.
  • r=roomName specify room name.
  • hd=true||false toggles HD (1280x720||640x480). Enabled by default on Chrome.
  • tt=time sets channel timeout. Default is 30 and max is 1440 minutes.
  • audio=true||false toggles audio.
  • video=true||false toggles video.


  • stereo=true||false toggles stereo audio input. Does not enable real stereo due to issue 220).
  • opusfec=true||false toggles forward error correction for the OPUS codec. Enabled by default.
  • opusmaxpbr=bitrate sets the max send bitrate for audio (e.g. 100).
  • asc=codecname/samplerate sets the specified codec and sample rate as send audio codec (e.g. ISAC/16000).
  • arc=codecname/samplerate sets the specified codec and sample rate as receive audio codec (e.g. OPUS/48000).
  • asbr=bitrate limits the send bitrate to the specified value (e.g. 100).
  • arbr=bitrate limits the receive bitrate to the specified value (e.g. 100).


  • vsbr=bitrate limits the send bitrate (e.g. 1200).
  • vrbr=bitrate limits the receive bitrate (e.g. 1200).
  • vsibr=bitrate sets the initial send bitrate (e.g. 600).


  • dtls=true||false toggles DTLS. Enabled by default.
  • dscp=true||false toggles DSCP (QoS).
  • ipv6=true||false toggles IPv6 candidates
  • ss=stunserver sets specified stun server.
  • ts=turnserver sets specified turn server.
  • tp=password password for turn server.


  • ssr=true||false toggles stereoscopic rendering. Expects remote video to be a side-by-side view of two cameras' captures, which will each be fed to one eye.

GetUserMedia constraints

Constraints can also be passed directly as URL parameters simply by adding audio/video=<constraint1>,<constraint2> as a URL parameter. More getUserMedia constraints can be found here.


  • disables audio processing which allows stereo input to passed through (APM only supports mono at the moment).
  •, maxHeight=720, minWidth=1280, minHeight=720
    forces the camera to open in HD else it will fail. Same as hd=true param.
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