The UK-TRE community is open to anyone with an interest in Trusted Research Environments, including researchers, operators, information governors and managers and more, from all sectors and disciplines.
UK-TRE aims to encourage open collaborations and sharing of innovative ideas to support the delivery of groundbreaking research with sensitive data across the UK and beyond.
This repository is for the UK-TRE community website hosted on Read the Docs
Anyone can join our mailing list and attend our meetings, you do not need to provide any information other than your email address.
:Mailing list: :Slack channel:
- Visit our readthedocs site to see latest developments with the community
- Look through our issues on GitHub to see what we're working on, and create a new issue if you have something to add!
We welcome contributions from anyone who is interested in this community. There are lots of ways to contribute, not just writing docs!
See our Code of Conduct and our Contributor Guide to learn more about how we work together as a community and how you can contribute.
This repository is published using Read the Docs. The documentation is built with Sphinx, and written in Markdown with the MyST Parser.
To build this repository locally, create a Python environment and install the requirements:
cd docs
pip install -r requirements.txt
Then build the documentation:
make html
pre-commit is used to check the documentation for common issues, and to auto-format all content.
To run pre-commit locally:
pre-commit run --all-files