- Define your UI based on the state/data (declarative, like ReactJS)Auto re-executes what is needed (reactive, like Excel)
- Reusability / encapsulation (components)
- you can write new ones using the underlying library (ipyvuetify)
- you can use html/css/js/vue/react to write your own widgets if needed
- Together they make it possible to take on larger projects and don't get stuck.
- it's nice to be able to just call the python functions you want to use instead of going through REST api's etc.
pip install -e .
$ solara run solarathon.pages
# add --no-open if you don't like opening the browser window automatically
Get your Ploomber API key and set it as PLOOMBER_CLOUD_KEY
in GitHub (under Settings->Secrets and Variables->Actions, and click "New repository secret")
$ ploomber-cloud key YOURKEY
$ (cd ploomber && rm ploomber-cloud.json && ploomber-cloud init)
(add to git and commit)
$ git add ploomber/ploomber-cloud.json
$ git commit -m "ci: set ploomber id"
$ git push origin master:ploomber
$ git push origin master:ploomber
# add --force if needed
(Not recommended) See https://docs.cloud.ploomber.io/en/latest/user-guide/cli.html for more details
$ pip install ploomber-cloud
$ mkdir -p ploomber/wheels
$ ploomber-cloud key YOURKEY
$ (cd ploomber && ploomber-cloud init)
(type y)
# build the wheel
$ (hatch build && cp dist/*.whl ploomber/wheels)
$ (cd ploomber && ploomber-cloud deploy)