OpenKO - Database Scripts
Note that, as you may notice, the ITEM table is stored in git-lfs; therefore, in order to push chances to that table, you have to have been added to this repo as a collaborator
Right-click to the database whose scripts are to be generated
Tasks -> Generate Scripts
In Choose Objects page, choose the objects that you want to create its' scripts.Note that, never check the option "Script entire database and all the database objects" and continue!
In Set Scripting Options, choose this options; - Single file per object - Overwrite existing file
Click Advance button and in the opening page, set these values accorging to; - Continue scripting on Error <-> True - Script DROP and CREATE <-> Script DROP and CREATE - Types of data to script <-> Schema and data
After completing all these steps, set the directory name as the path of the repository in your local machine and continue