Work in progress, not currently recommended for any use.
Try the following:
Find 10 words closest to "protein" using word2vec vectors induced on the text8 demo data
echo protein | python text8.tar.gz -n 10
Find word that has the same relationship to "japan" as "paris" has to "france"
echo 'france paris japan' | python text8.tar.gz -q -n 1
Evaluate the vectors on the binary classification task using words from McIntosh and Curran "Reducing semantic drift with bagging and distributional similarity" (ACL 2009)
python text8.tar.gz word-classes/McIC-09/*.txt
Evaluate the vectors on the closed-class member retrieval task using the set of standard amino acids
python text8.tar.gz word-sets/Ohta-bio-sets/standard-amino-acids.txt
The rest of this README is TODO. See scripts for documentation.