Project Overview: Developing a Python-based data analysis/visualization pathway for the TNE Lab.
Long-Term Objectives (TBD): Debug and expand to fit growing needs of TNE Lab - How can we use this project to produce visuals that contextualize what we are trying to accomplish at a lab-wide level?
simple_GUI contains the graph_gui() function which is used in most of the data visualization scripts.
Graphs coherence vs. frequency for pre-stim and post-stim, which a subuplot showing delta coherence vs. frequency.
Creates a coherence heatmap for a range of frequencies for pre-stim and post-stim, which a subuplot showing delta coherence vs. frequency heatplot.
Creates a coherence heatmap for 4-12 Hz frequency band between BLA and IL channel combinations.
Creates a scatterplot graphing pre-stim power vs. delta power.
Graphs coherence vs. frequency. This has largely been replaced by side_by_side_analysis, and does not integrate with simple_gui.
A general framework for accessing matlab .mat files in python using scipy and pandas.
Variant of Takes in a log_file.mat file and returns a seaborn graph of acceleration over time.
Tracks region of interest (ROI) and outputs information to a save file.
Reads output of open_cv_object_tracker and creates a lineplot oh average movement vs. time
A file with video recording and overlay functions written using OpenCV. This can be imported into to record videos with timestamps and recording information
Turns .mp4 MJPG codec videos recorded with windows camera app into an MJPG codec .avi file which Any-Maze will accept for later analysis. Slow, but works.