Concept :
- PXE Boot
- Retrieving a minimal preseed file (debian installer)
- Local application of a puppet manifest corresponding to the desired target
Targets available:
- Install Debian Bullseye manual (amd64)
- Install Debian Bullseye (amd64)
- Install Debian Bullseye deployment (amd64)
- Install Debian Bullseye development (amd64)
- Install Debian Bullseye kvm server (amd64)
- Install Debian Bullseye jitsi-meet server (amd64)
- Install VirtualBox 6.1.26
- Install Vagrant 2.2.18 - cf. vagrant command-line interface
- Install Git-2.29.2-64-bit (shell)
Start the box to make the PXE server operational for the private subnet nursery.
vagrant up
Stop the box
vagrant halt
Start the server
Create a blank virtual machine with the desired characteristics.
On the virtual machine, connect the first network interface on the private subnet nursery.
Booting the virtual machine via PXE
Select the desired target in the PXE menu
On the server, disable the second network interface of the private subnet nursery.
On the server, add a new network interface via USB<->ETH adapter for example.
Start the server
On the real machine, connect the first network interface to the private subnet nursery via the USB adapter.
Booting the real machine via PXE
Select the desired target in the PXE menu
Destroy the box and associated resources
vagrant destroy
Connect to the box via ssh
vagrant ssh
To keep the /vagrant and /var/www/html directories synchronized for testing, run the following command in a shell host:
vagrant rsync-auto
qemu-img convert -f vdi disk.vdi -O qcow2 disk.qcow2
Add a .profile file in the user's directory to configure the web proxy
export ALL_PROXY=http://NtlmCorporateProxy:3128 export http_proxy=$ALL_PROXY export https_proxy=$ALL_PROXY
Install the Vagrant vagrant-proxyconf plugin
vagrant plugin install vagrant-proxyconf
Modify the Vagranfile.ntlm file to position the web proxy. NtlmCorporateProxy
Replace the Vagrantfile with Vagrantfile.ntlm.pp
Replace the MyDomain account in the puppet recipe file deployment-server.ntlm.pp. cf. MyAccount to configure the web proxy
Replace deployment-server.pp with deployment-server.ntlm.pp
Start the box
vagrant up
Connect to the box via ssh
vagrant ssh
To keep the /vagrant and /var/www/html directories synchronized, run the following command in a shell host:
vagrant rsync-auto
In the box run the command "sudo cntlm -H" in order to generate the hash for the web proxy cntlm
Copy the generated hashes into the puppet recipe file deployment-server.pp. cf. MyHash
Re-execute the puppet recipe to take into account these changes
sudo puppet apply /vagrant/deployment-server.pp
Resume the web proxy for apt to use the same NtlmCorporateProxy (todo...)
/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01proxy Acquire::http::Proxy "http://localhost:3128/"; Acquire::https::Proxy "https://localhost:3128/";
Exit the box with the "logout" command
Stop the box
vagrant halt
Disable the proxy in the Vagrantfile so as not to cascade web proxies
if Vagrant.has_plugin?("vagrant-proxyconf") config.proxy.http = "http://NtlmCorporateProxy.MyDomain:3128/" config.proxy.https = "https://NtlmCorporateProxy.MyDomain:3128/" config.proxy.no_proxy = "localhost,,.MyDomain" end
restart the box
vagrant up
The PXE server should finally be operational on the private network nursery!!! If not, please contact the "Specialists" of your IS ;-)