Bot which enables or disable auto-merge
in a repository.
This action was developed to help external parties merge their own Pull Requests.
If an external party makes a PR, and it is approved, they still cannot merge it. This bot gives them the ability to enable the auto-merge
function so, once their PR gets approved, it is merged.
Be sure that Allow auto-merge is enabled in the repository options.
Create a file named .github/workflows/auto-merge-bot.yml
and add the following:
name: Auto Merge Bot
# GitHub considers PRs as issues
types: [created]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# Important! This forces the job to run only on comments on Pull Requests that starts with '/merge'
if: ${{ github.event.issue.pull_request && startsWith(github.event.comment.body, '/merge') }}
- name: Set auto merge
uses: paritytech/auto-merge-bot@main
GITHUB_TOKEN: '${{ github.token }}'
You can find all the inputs in the action file, but let's walk through each one of them:
: Token to access to the repository.- required
- This is provided by the repo, you can simply use
${{ github.token }}
: Type of merge to enable.- Optional: Defaults to
. - Available types are
.- Make sure that the type of merge you selected is available in the repository merge options.
- Optional: Defaults to
: If the bot should be silent and not comment when enabling/disabling auto-merge.- Optional: Defaults to
- Optional: Defaults to
: List of user accounts which are allowed to use the bot aside from the author and org members.- Optional
- Must be a comma separated value:
: If unstable, ready to merge, PRs can be merged- An unstable PR is a PR that can be merged, but a non required status check is failing.
- This is only relevant once the PR can be merged. GitHub's auto-merge always merges unstable PRs
- Optional: Defaults to
- An unstable PR is a PR that can be merged, but a non required status check is failing.
: If the bot should try to update the PR to be up to date before enabling auto-merge- Optional: Defaults to false
To trigger the bot, you need to write a comment in a Pull Request where the action is installed. The available actions are:
: Enables auto-merge for Pull Request/merge cancel
: Cancels auto-merge for Pull Request/merge help
: Shows this menu
The bot can only be triggered by the author of the PR or by users who publicly belongs to the organization of the repository.
By publicly, I refer to the members of an organization which can be seen by external parties. If you are not sure if you are part of an organization, simply open**your_organization**/people in a private window. If you don’t see your name there, you are not a public member.
Find related docs here: Publicizing or hiding organization membership.
To deploy a new version you need to update two files:
: Update the version number.action.yml
: Update the image number inruns.image
. Important: Both versions must have the same number.
When a commit is pushed to the main branch and the versions have changed, the system will automatically tag the commit and release a new package with such version.
You can find all the available versions in the release section.