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A web-based project. Similar to bookmyshow website with some additional innovative features. Facility to store the information of the new customer, different types of movie show timing, ticket rates of different types on show class etc. Ability to the Admin to add or remove slides of slider, add/update/delete movies, apply or remove social distancing to multiplexes, apply coupon codes to users.

Link for Demo:

Functional Description

User Module:

A) User Registration

➢ User Register with Username, E-mail address, Password.

B) User Login

➢ User can Login with E-mail ID and Password.

➢ User can Book the Ticket after Log in.

C) Check Availability

➢ User can view the Interface in both Dark / Light Theme.

➢ After Login, User can Search Movie from Movie List

➢ User can view Movie details, Rate the Movie.

➢ If Ticket is Available User can Book Ticket

D) Book Ticket.

➢ Book ticket by specifying number of ticket, date and time.

➢ User can see a graphical view of the seat availability and choose their desired seat.

➢ User can choose any mix category of seats (silver, gold, platinum).

➢ Then click the buy ticket button.

➢ Then click the download button to download the ticket.

Admin Module:

A) Admin Login

➢ Admin can Login with Admin Email Id and Password.

B) Movie Manage.

➢ Admin Can Add New Movie.

➢ Admin Can Update Existing Movie

➢ Admin Can Delete Movie.

C) Slider Manage.

➢ Admin can Add/Update/Remove Slides.

➢ Can provide Trailer links in Slides.

D) Social Distancing

➢ Admin can Apply Social Distancing Rule.

➢ Admin can Remove Social Distancing anytime.

E) Coupon Code

➢ Admin can Apply Coupon Code Specific Users.

➢ Admin can Apply Coupon Code to Specific User.


1. Homepage


2. Information Page

Information Page 2

3.Seat Selection with Social Distancing


4. Admin Dashboard

Admin Home

5. Admin Movie Form

Add Movie Form

6. Admin Coupon Code

Admin Advanced 1


It is a online multiplex ticket booking site.







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