Posts OpenCensus spans to Honeycomb.
- Take the dependency
- Configure it
- Check its all working
Add opencensus_honeycomb
to your deps
in mix.exs
{:opencensus_honeycomb, "~> 0.1"}
Then, mix deps.get
and mix deps.compile
as usual.
In your config/config.exs
, configure :opencensus
config :opencensus,
reporters: [{Opencensus.Honeycomb.Reporter, []}],
send_interval_ms: 1000
config :opencensus_honeycomb,
dataset: "opencensus",
service_name: "your_app",
write_key: System.get_env("HONEYCOMB_WRITEKEY")
iex -S mix
, then:
iex> Application.get_env(:opencensus, :reporters)
[{Opencensus.Honeycomb.Reporter, []}]
iex> Application.get_all_env(:opencensus_honeycomb)
[write_key: "...", service_name: "...", dataset: "..."]
iex> :ocp.with_child_span("test")
iex> :ocp.current_span_ctx()
{:span_ctx, 33234766236774033950150561980069751240,
12010566695198730064, 1, :undefined}
iex> :ocp.finish_span()
If you don't notice any sending, check the registration in case the config format changed again. Register manually, then try again:
iex> :oc_reporter.register(Opencensus.Honeycomb.Reporter, [])
Once you've seen some spans, try a stack of ten:
iex> 1..10 |> |>
{:span_ctx, 322560190005584483565962561333424343439,
7924041616779114111, 1, :undefined},
{:span_ctx, 322560190005584483565962561333424343439,
14682319351797855820, 1, :undefined},
iex> 1..10 |> _ -> :ocp.finish_span() end)
[true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true]
Opencensus.Honeycomb calls :telemetry.execute/2
before and after sending.
To get an idea without reading the in-code documentation, run the following
at the iex -S mix
alias Opencensus.Honeycomb.{Config,Event,Sender}
Config.put(%{write_key: nil})
handle_event = fn n, measure, meta, _ -> IO.inspect({n, measure, meta}) end
:telemetry.attach_many("test", Sender.telemetry_events(), handle_event, nil)
[%Event{time:, data: %{name: "hello"}}] |> Sender.send_batch()
You should see two events inspected:
{[:opencensus, :honeycomb, :start], %{count: 1},
events: [
# ...
{[:opencensus, :honeycomb, :stop, :success], %{count: 1, ms: 5.535},
events: [
# ...
payload: "..."
Want to see that against the production API?
write_key: System.get_env("HONEYCOMB_WRITEKEY"),
dataset: "smoketest"
[%Event{time:, data: %{name: "hello"}}] |> Sender.send_batch()
Dependency management:
mix deps.get
to get your dependenciesmix deps.compile
to compile themmix licenses
to check their license declarations, recursively
Finding problems:
mix compile
to compile your codemix credo
to suggest more idiomatic style for itmix dialyzer
to find problems static typing might spot... slowlymix test
to run unit testsmix
to run the tests again whenever you change somethingmix coveralls
to check test coverage
mix docs
to generate documentation for this projectmix help
to find out what else you can do withmix