This is the code used to create Keycloak users using the Keycloak Java library. The code is split into three main sections.
This lambda, defined in the CSVLambda
class is used to bulk create users from a CSV file. The CSV file is uploaded to an S3 bucket which triggers the lambda.
The s3 bucket to upload the CSV file to is: tdr-create-bulk-keycloak-users-{tdr environment}
This lambda, defined in ApiLambda
is attached to API Gateway. This API is used by the end to end tests to create and delete Keycloak users to avoid having to open up the Keycloak admin interface to the GitHub actions servers in the US.
The common code is defined in KeycloakUsers
The structure of the csv file and the structure of the API JSON is defined in the UserCredentials
case class UserCredentials(email: String,
password: Option[String] = None,
firstName: String,
lastName: String,
body: Option[String] = None,
userType: Option[String] = None,
sendEmail: Option[Boolean] = None
If the password is not supplied then one is not set. This allows us to create a user with a password for the end to end tests but we won't use it for bulk creation of real users.
Body and user type are optional because they aren't necessary for some users.
Send email can be set to false or left blank. If it is set to true, an account setup email is sent to the user.
There is a LambdaRunner
class which allows you to run the code locally. To run the CSVLambda
class, you will need credentials to the sandbox account.