- Hi, I'm Jianxiang Tian(田健翔)😊.I'm a university student at Qingdao University of Science & Technology(QUST). from China, majoring in AI(Artificial Intelligence).
- ✌I have strong Python skills and a solid understanding of common machine learning algorithms.
- I'm proficient with the scikit-learn framework for building ML models.
- My expertise extends to deep learning, where I am comfortable working with frameworks like PyTorch, Transformers, PEFT, Diffusers, Datasets, Evaluate, MindSpore, and MindNLP...
- ✨I'm working on an open-source project that walks people through the environments of Hugging Face, like Transformers, PEFT, Diffusers, Datasets, Evaluate, and all that good stuff.
- [02/2024] 👏Our system is the best system runner-up in the NewsImage MediaEval 2023.
- [02/2024] 👏Our team participated in SemEval-2024, focusing on detecting AI-generated text. We experimented with various monolingual and multilingual models. Our research provided new insights into building more robust AI text detectors. Our system achieved 8th (scored 8th in terms of accuracy, officially ranked 13th) place in the official test set in multilingual settings of subtask A.