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Releases: mathjax/MathJax

MathJax v4.0.0-beta.7

21 Jul 14:59
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MathJax v4.0.0-beta.7 Pre-release

This release is primarily a bug-fix release. In particular, the redesign of the way speech is computed and attached to MathJax’s output that was part of the beta.6 release introduced a performance degradation that needed to be addressed. The main purpose of the beta.7 release is to fix that performance problem.

The main fixes and features include:

  • Fix performance problem introduced in 4.0.0-beta.6, and in particular, improve the performance when the lazy typesetting extension is in use.

  • Allow table columns to shrink when their contents have line-breaks.

  • Work around a problem with in-line breaking in Safari.

  • The computations for the bounding boxes of the layouts in the bussproofs TeX package have been improved.

  • A security issue involving the potential for users being able to insert CSS styles into MathJax equations was identified by the GitHub security team, and is addressed here.

  • The all-packages extension and corresponding AllPackages.ts file and the tex-full component that used them have been removed.

  • Font extension can now be generic extensions so that they work with any base font, and the bbm, bboldx, and dsfonts packages have been rebuilt to be generic font extensions.

See the release notes for more details.

MathJax v4.0.0-beta.6

30 Apr 19:55
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MathJax v4.0.0-beta.6 Pre-release

This is the fourth beta release of version 4 of MathJax (beta.1 and beta.5 had problems with the release process). The main new features are the following:

  • The expression explorer has been significantly rewritten to work with the use of aria-label attributes rather than ARIA live regions. This improves compatibility and stability of the explorer.

  • The expression explorer can now be entered by clicking on any character in an expression, and exploration will start at that location in the expression.

  • The accessibility menu has been reorganized, and its contents moved to the top level of the MathJax contextual menu for easier access and a more rational organization.

  • Several new TeX packages with different double-struck options are now available: bbm, bboldx, and dsfont.

Details on these changes, and the full list of bugs that are fixed in this release are listed in the release notes

Note that the 4.0.0-beta.5 had an issue with the packaging and caused problems within node applications, and so was removed.

MathJax v4.0.0-beta.4

04 Oct 17:32
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MathJax v4.0.0-beta.4 Pre-release

This is the second beta release of version 4 of MathJax. It is mostly a bug fix release. The main improvements are the following:

  • Some issues arose with the move to ESM modules and ES6 versions of the javascript code. These caused some TeX extension packages to fail to load; these have been fixed in this beta release.

  • A problem where Mathjax could produce an error setting getter-only property "Package" during its processing of the MathJax configuration has been resolved.

  • An issue where the equation, equation*, displaymath, and math LaTeX environments would produce an error about incorrectly nested environments, regardless of their content, has been fixed.

  • An issue where the \text{} macro would produce an error message when the textmacros package is used in beta.3 has been fixed.

  • Line breaking for in-line math has been improved to avoid extra line breaks that could cause unexpected blank lines.

Additional issues fixed by, and new features provided in, this release are described in the release notes.

MathJax v4.0.0-beta.3

19 Jul 21:48
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MathJax v4.0.0-beta.3 Pre-release

This is the first beta release of MathJax version 4.0.0, which includes significant improvements over the alpha release. In particular:

  • This version uses version ES6 of javascript rather than the down-compiled ES5 code of previous versions. That means it no longer supports IE11, which does not implement enough of the ES6 features to run MathJax.

  • Because the code is now ES6, the es5 directory is no longer an accurate name, and the MathJax component files are now available at the top level, so you no longer need to include /es5 in the URL that you use to load MathJax. E.g., you can use[email protected]/tex-mml-chtml.js

    as the URL to load the tex-mml-chtml.js combined component.

  • A number of issues with line breaking have been addressed.

  • Several new menu items are available in the Show Math As and Copy to Clipboard submenus.

  • The promise-based functions like MathJax.typesetPromise() now use MathJax.startup.promise internally to synchronize their actions, so you no longer have to do that yourself.

See the release notes for more details.

MathJax v4.0.0-alpha.1

02 Oct 14:21
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This is the first alpha release of a major update to MathJax that adds significant new functionality, including:

  • Support for 11 different fonts, including the STIX2 font set, five Gyre math fonts, and a sans-serif font based on the Fira-Math font.

  • Support for automatic and explicit line breaks in both display and in-line expressions, automatic breaking of text elements, better breaking in tables and arrays, more array column specifiers for the array preamble, and TeX macros to control line breaking, indentation, and alignment, as well as more commands for making fixed-size boxes in which line breaking can occur.

  • Support for HTML embedded in MathML and TeX expressions (e.g., you can insert form elements into the math).

  • Improvements to the assistive support by including the expression explorer (activated) in all combined components.

See the release notes for extensive details about the new features and how to use them. This includes information about new configuration options for these features, and new TeX macros and control that they provide.

MathJax v3.2.2

08 Jun 17:47
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This is a hot-fix release that resolves three issues introduced in v3.2.1. See the release notes for details.

MathJax v3.2.1

19 May 20:58
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This is a bug fix release that resolves more than 40 issues, and includes significant updates to the speech-rule engine that handles MathJax's assistive technology. See the release notes for details.

MathJax v3.2.0

17 Jun 14:47
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This is a feature release that includes a new lazy-typesetting extension, nine new TeX extensions, a port of the v2 MML3 extension, new Hindi support in the expression explorer, along with several other improvements, and a number of bug fixes. See the release notes for details.

MathJax v3.1.4

23 Apr 18:56
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This is a hot fix release to fix two problems with the recent 3.1.3 version. See the release notes for details.

MathJax 3.1.3

22 Apr 19:50
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This is a bug fix release that resolves more than 70 issues, and updates a number of modules on which MathJax relies. See the release notes for details.