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Material Design Lite theme for Nikola static site generator based from Mako templates


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Nikola MDL Mako Template

This repo is no longer maintained as the code is moved to

This theme is based from Material Design Lite templates. It gets the idea from the blog example. This theme is for Nikola static site generator and used Mako templates. The RSS feed icon is getting from Community Icons


To install:

Enter the command line below at the console

$ nikola install_theme mdl

Edit for setting these values below:

  • THEME = "mdl"

Refer to Customizing Your Site for more information. If post_type is used, it accepts a dictionary value, where key is the post meta type and value is the icon name from Google Material Design Icons. There is an example in Customization section.

Style development

You can skip this section if the theme is going to be used as it is. As the final styles.css is generated and placed in assets/css folder.

The css file is generated using SASS compiler. If you have it installed, you can generate the final styles.css file by calling make as there is a Makefile that contains the generation commands.

If you want to add custom styles in custom.scss or custom.css, set mdl__custom_css to True. Both files are git-ignored.

JavaScript development

If you want to add custom JavaScript in custom.js, set mdl__custom_js to True. The custom.js file is git-ignored.


Here are the components that used in this theme

  • Buttons (mdl-button) on site buttons
  • Cards (mdl-card) on post, story and gallery
  • Layout (mdl-layout) on site layout
  • Navigation (mdl-navigation) on top and drawer navigations
  • Grid (mdl-grid) on site grid
  • Footer (mdl-mega-footer or mdl-mini-footer)
  • List (mdl-list)
  • Menus (mdl-menu) on more button in navigation
  • Text Fields (mdl-textfield) not in the theme but you might need it on search box
  • Tooltips (mdl-tooltip) not in the theme but you might need it on search box


It supports some variables in the config file ( Below are the default values except post_type, where is {}:

        "mdl__version": "1.3.0",
        "mdl__color_scheme": "indigo-pink",
        "mdl__roboto_font": False,
        "mdl__late_load_css": False,
        "mdl__cachebusting": "1",
        "mdl__fixed_header": False,
        "mdl__fixed_drawer": False,
        "mdl__no_drawer_button": False,
        "mdl__no_desktop_drawer_button": False,
        "mdl__multiple_header": False,
        "mdl__header_scroll": False,
        "mdl__header_waterfall": False,
        "mdl__header_waterfall_hide_top": False,
        "mdl__header_transparent": False,
        "mdl__header_seamed": False,
        "mdl__footer": "",
        "mdl__navigation_large_screen_only": False,
        "mdl__drawer_small_screen_only": False,
        "mdl__custom_css": False,
        "mdl__custom_js": False,
        "drawer_title": "",
        "drawer_logo_url": "",
        "drawer_show_title": "",
        "drawer_description": "",
        "drawer_note": "",
        "title_row_middle": False,
        "navigation_row_middle": False,
        "breadcrumb_separator": ">",
        "post_type": {
            "text": "format_align_justify",
        "top_nav_header": False,
        "more_button_header": [
            ("/mobile/", "Mobile Site", "Mobile"),
        "image_plugin": "colorbox",
  • mdl__version is Material Design Lite version number
  • mdl__color_scheme is colour scheme from Material Design Lite
  • mdl__roboto_font is a flag whether Roboto font is used, refer to styles documentation
  • mdl__late_load_css is a flag whether CSS styles are deferred, refer to Optimize CSS Delivery
  • mdl__cachebusting is a flag solving the cache problem for CSS and JavaScript files.


Additional optional MDL classes for outer div element:

  • When mdl__fixed_header is True, class mdl-layout--fixed-header is applied for making the header always visible, even in small screens
  • When mdl__fixed_drawer is True, class mdl-layout--fixed-drawer is applied for making the drawer always visible and open in larger screens
  • When mdl__no_drawer_button is True, class mdl-layout--no-drawer-button is applied for not displaying a drawer button
  • When mdl__no_desktop_drawer_button is True, class mdl-layout--no-desktop-drawer-button is applied for not displaying a drawer button in desktop mode


  • When mdl__multiple_header is True, logo and title will be first line and top navigation will move to second line
  • When title_row_middle is True, title row (or first line in multiple header lines) will position in the middle

Additional optional MDL classes for header element:

  • When mdl__header_scroll is True, class mdl-layout__header--scroll is applied for making the header scroll with the content and mutually exclusive with mdl__fixed_header
  • When mdl__header_waterfall is True, class mdl-layout__header--waterfall is applied for allowing a "waterfall" effect with multiple header lines
  • When mdl__header_waterfall_hide_top is True, class mdl-layout__header--waterfall-hide-top is applied for hiding the top rather than the bottom rows on a waterfall header
  • When mdl__header_transparent is True, class mdl-layout__header--transparent is applied for making header transparent (draws on top of layout background)
  • When mdl__header_seamed is True, class mdl-layout__header--seamed is applied for using a header without a shadow



  • When mdl__navigation_large_screen_only is True, it hides navigation row in multiple header lines on smaller screens
  • When navigation_row_middle is True, navigation row (second line) in multiple header lines will position in the middle


  • When mdl__drawer_small_screen_only is True, it hides drawer on larger screens
  • drawer_title is the title in the drawer and it could be set the same as BLOG_TITLE
  • drawer_logo_url is the logo url in the drawer and final output is drawer_title
  • The default of drawer_show_title is False. It hides the drawer title (for example, if drawer logo already contains the text).
  • drawer_description is more HTML text between drawer_title and drawer navigation
  • drawer_note is more HTML text after drawer navigation


  • When Post Types feature in Nikola is used, post_type can used to style different type of posts.
  • When top_nav_header is true, navigation will visible when top header is appeared on wider screen.
  • When more_button_header is true, more button at top menu header will visible after search button. It is a tuple list, where ("URL", "title", "menu name") as format.
  • String value image_plugin is either empty string, lightbox or colorbox. It it is empty string, no image plugin will be used. If it is colorbox, colorbox script is used to view full images. It is the same image library as Nikola used. If it is lightbox, lightbox script is used to view full images in gallery pages.
  • Add meta 'type' and 'hidetitle' to 'story' page.
  • Add meta 'no-card-shadow' and 'no-card-media' to 'post' and 'story' pages.


  • mdl_version is replaced with mdl__version
  • color_scheme is replaced with mdl__color_scheme
  • roboto_font is replaced with mdl__roboto_font
  • mega_footer (boolean type) is replaced with mdl__footer (string type)

Depreciated classes

  • theme-blog is replaced with site
  • theme-blog__posts is replaced with site-posts
  • theme-blog__post is replaced with site-post
  • theme-blog__gallery is replaced with site-gallery
  • theme-blog__page is replaced with site-page
  • theme-blog__listing is replaced with site-listing
  • theme-card is replaced with site-card
  • theme-nav is replaced with site-navigation
  • theme-nav__button is replaced with site-navigation__button
  • previous is replaced with site-navigation__previous
  • next is replaced with site-navigation__next
  • theme-crumbs is replaced with site-breadcrumbs
  • searchform is replaced with site-header__search

New classes

  • site-header
  • site-header__title-row
  • site-header__navigation-row
  • site-header__row-middle
  • site-header__navigation
  • site-header__more-button
  • site-title
  • site-drawer
  • site-drawer__title
  • site-drawer__description
  • site-drawer__navigation
  • site-drawer__note
  • metadata
  • site-post__author
  • site-post__date
  • site-post__total-comment
  • site-post__tag
  • site-post__source-link
  • site-post__source-link
  • site-page-list
  • site-page-list-post
  • site-page-story
  • site-page-tags
  • site-page-tag
  • site-footer

Known Issues

  • Not all features of Nikola are tested
  • slideshow is not working
  • Submenus in navigation links are not supported
  • THEME_COLOR is not used regardless the value
  • Not meet WCAG 2.0 level AA



Material Design Lite Apache License Version 2.0

Google Material Design Icons - Attribution 4.0 International

RSS Feed Icons - SIL Open Font License 1.1

jQuery - MIT License

Colorbox - MIT License

Lightbox - MIT License

Templates - Apache License Version 2.0


Material Design Lite theme for Nikola static site generator based from Mako templates







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