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Unit 4: JavaScript Fundamentals II

CN-Mika edited this page Aug 29, 2023 · 2 revisions

Learn about the conditional statements in JavaScript and understand the importance of .value property.

Alignment Resource and Description Solution Minutes
Inputs, Variables, & Events Profile Creator: Use your JavaScript knowledge to make this profile preview screen work. You'll need to utilize inputs, variables, and event handlers. To Be Developed 15
Saving Inputs & Operators Inputs Calculator: Practice .value and operators while creating this basic calculator. To Be Developed 15
Saving Inputs & Variables Carlton Packing List: Use Variables, String Concatenation, and .value to help Carlton build a packing list. To Be Developed 15
Events Popcode Activity: Use JavaScript to create a program that allows the user to fill in the blanks to create a story. To Be Developed 15
Events & Conditionals Cookie Clicker Game: Use this cookie clicker game for some practice with event handling and conditionals. Cookie Clicker Solution 15
Events & Conditionals Tiny Quiz: Using conditional update the code so the application checks whether the user enters a correct Code Nation city. Tiny Quiz Solution 15
Conditionals If/Else Code Modification Practice: Use conditionals to check height To Be Developed 15
Conditionals The Login Page: Use conditionals to check login info Login Solution 15
Conditionals Codecademy:Control Flow:This lesson covers conditionals taught by Code Nation such as if...else, and continues into switch statements. N/A 45X2
JS Review Codecademy:Introduction to JavaScript: This lesson explains variables and string interpolation. Both of these topics are touched upon by Code Nation and Codeacademy expands on the topic. N/A 45X2
Extension JavaScript Chat App: Students will review jQuery, .val(), and create a chat app. To Be Developed 90
Extension Insta App: Use JavaScript to build an Instagram app. To Be Developed 90