My name is Miranda Herberson, and I'm a Solution Architect with a focus on Enterprise Applications and Bitcoin development. I live in Brazil.
I started my developer journey in 2006, working with legacy systems written in Delphi and VB6. Then, I migrated to Java and began a sysadmin career. In 2017, I returned to development, and now I am a Tech Lead, working with architecture and backend development using Java and Scala.
I study topics like JVM languages (Java, Scala), Main frameworks (Quarkus, Spring, Camel, BitcoinJ), DevOps (Kubernetes, Tekton, Ansible, Terraform, Vagrant), and architecture and design patterns. I am also interested in secure development and Bitcoin.
Goals: Keep learning, always!
Curiosity: Corinthians fan, Muay Thai and BJJ practitioner, coffee lover, trekking enthusiast, and a reader of books (especially Tolkien and Asimov).