A puppet module for managing and configuring Beaver
Installation, make sure service is running and will be started at boot time:
class { 'beaver': }
class { 'beaver':
ensure => 'absent',
Install everything but disable service(s) afterwards:
class { 'beaver':
status => 'disabled',
At this moment there is only the file input.
beaver::input::file{ 'apache_access':
file => '/var/log/apache/access.log',
type => 'apache-access'
Use 1 of the following outputs:
host => 'redishost'
beaver::output::zeromq{ 'zeromqout':
host => 'zeromqhost',
type => 'connect'
beaver::output::rabbitmq { 'rabbitmq_output':
host => 'rabbitmqhost'
beaver::output::udp{ 'udpout':
host => 'udphost'
port => 9999