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How to include ag grid

Chris Curnow edited this page Mar 16, 2016 · 3 revisions

###Dependencies In your package.json file, specify dependency on ag-grid AND ag-grid-ng2. The ag-grid package contains the core ag-grid engine and the ag-grid-ng2 contains the Angular 2 component.

"dependencies": {
    "ag-grid": "3.3.x",
    "ag-grid-ng2": "3.3.x"

The major and minor versions should match. Every time a new major or minor version of ag-Grid is released, the component will also be released. However for patch versions, the component will not be released.


npm update


Now you can include ag-grid in any component:

import {AgGridNg2} from 'ag-grid-ng2/main';


    directives: [AgGridNg2],

You can either include the CSS as imports in your main CSS file, or for prototyping add these lines to the index file:

<link href="node_modules/ag-grid/styles/ag-grid.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<link href="node_modules/ag-grid/styles/theme-fresh.css" rel="stylesheet" />

Now you are ready to use ng-grid in your app. Here's some sample code:

export class userList implements OnActivate {
    private gridOptions: GridOptions;
    private showGrid: boolean;
    private rowCount: string;
    private columnDefs: any[];
    private listData = [];

      this.gridOptions = <GridOptions>{};
      this.showGrid = true;``
      this.listData = []; // either set up listData here with dummy data or get it from a remote service

onRowClicked($event) {
  let id = this.listData[row]['id'] \\presuming id is an attribute in your data
  \\ do something, ie show detail
  \\ ....

 createColumnDefs()  {
     this.columnDefs =[ { headerName: "User Number", field: "userNumber", width:80},
      { headerName: "User Name", field: "userName", width:150},
     { headerName: "Date of Birth", field: "dob", width:80},
     { headerName: "Department", field: "department", width:100 },
     { headerName: "Role", field: "role", width:100 }

And the HTML:

    style="width:100%; height:800px; margin-bottom:20px;"

