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The enhanced RCNN model used for sentence similarity classification

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Sentence Similarity

(mainly based on Enhanced-RCNN model and other baselines)

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# Data preprocessing
# Train & Evaluate
./ [model name]

# Test Ant Submission functionality
bash raw_data/competition_train.csv ant_test_pred.csv
# pack the Ant Submission files
zip -r . -i \*.py \*.sh -i data/stopwords.txt


# Data preprocessing
## Ant
python3 [word/char] train
## PiPiDai

# Train & Evaluate
## Chinese
python3 --dataset [Ant/CCKS/PiPiDai] --model [model name] --word-segment [word/char]
# train all the model at once use ./
## English
python3 --dataset Quora --model [model name]

# Use Tensorboard
tensorboard --logdir log/same_as_model_log_dir
## remote connection(forward local port to remote port) (execute in local machine)
## then you should be able to access with http://localhost:$LOCAL_PORT
ssh -NfL $LOCAL_PORT:localhost:$REMOTE_PORT $REMOTE_USER@$REMOTE_IP > /dev/null 2>&1
### to close connection (just kill the ssh command which run in background)
ps aux | grep "ssh -NfL" | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill


  • ERCNN (default)
  • Transformer
    • ERCNN + replace the BiRNN with Transformer
  • Baseline
    • Siamese Series
      • SiameseCNN
        • Convolutional Neural Networks for Sentence Classification
        • Character-level Convolutional Networks for Text Classification
      • SiameseRNN
      • SiameseLSTM
        • Siamese Recurrent Architectures for Learning Sentence Similarity
      • SiameseRCNN
        • Siamese Recurrent Architectures for Learning Sentence Similarity
      • SiameseAttentionRNN
        • Text Classification Research with Attention-based Recurrent Neural Networks
    • Multi-Perspective Series
      • MPCNN
        • Multi-Perspective Sentence Similarity Modeling with Convolutional Neural Networks
        • just a "more sentence similarity measurements" version of SiameseCNN (also use Siamese network to encode sentences)
        • TODO: Model too big to run.... (consume too much GPU memory) => Smaller batch size
      • MPLSTM: skip
      • BiMPM
        • Bilateral Multi-Perspective Matching for Natural Language Sentences
    • ESIM


  • Ant - Chinese
  • CCKS - Chinese
  • PiPiDai - Chinese (encoded)
  • Quora - English


  • train
    • using 70% training data
    • k-fold cross-validation (k == training epochs)
    • will test the performance using valid set when each epoch end and save the model
  • test
    • using 30% test data
    • will load the latest model with the same settings
  • both (include train and test)
  • predict
    • will load the latest model with the same settings


  • random (Original): data is skewed (the ratio is listed below)
  • balance: positive vs. negative data will be the same
    • generate-train
    • generate-test
$ python3 --help
usage: [-h] [--dataset dataset] [--mode mode] [--sampling mode]
              [--generate-train] [--generate-test] [--model model]
              [--word-segment WS] [--batch-size N] [--test-batch-size N]
              [--k-fold N] [--lr N] [--beta1 N] [--beta2 N] [--epsilon N]
              [--no-cuda] [--seed N] [--test-split N] [--log-interval N]
              [--test-interval N] [--not-save-model]

Enhanced RCNN on Sentence Similarity

optional arguments:
  -h, --help             show this help message and exit
  --dataset dataset      Chinese: Ant, CCKS; English: Quora (default: Ant)
  --mode mode            script mode [train/test/both/predict/submit(Ant)]
                         (default: both)
  --sampling mode        sampling mode during training (default: random)
  --generate-train       use generated negative samples when training (used in
                         balance sampling)
  --generate-test        use generated negative samples when testing (used in
                         balance sampling)
  --model model          model to use [ERCNN/Transformer/Siamese(CNN/RNN/LSTM/R
                         CNN/AttentionRNN)] (default: ERCNN)
  --word-segment WS      chinese word split mode [word/char] (default: char)
  --chinese-embed embed  chinese embedding (default: cw2vec)
  --not-train-embed      whether to freeze the embedding parameters
  --batch-size N         input batch size for training (default: 256)
  --test-batch-size N    input batch size for testing (default: 1000)
  --k-fold N             k-fold cross validation i.e. number of epochs to train
                         (default: 10)
  --lr N                 learning rate (default: 0.001)
  --beta1 N              beta 1 for Adam optimizer (default: 0.9)
  --beta2 N              beta 2 for Adam optimizer (default: 0.999)
  --epsilon N            epsilon for Adam optimizer (default: 1e-08)
  --no-cuda              disables CUDA training
  --seed N               random seed (default: 16)
  --test-split N         test data split (default: 0.3)
  --logdir path          set log directory (default: ./log)
  --log-interval N       how many batches to wait before logging training
  --test-interval N      how many batches to test during training
  --not-save-model       for not saving the current model
  --load-model name      load the specific model checkpoint file
  --submit-path path:    submission file path (currently for Ant dataset)

Related Additional Datasets



  • raw_data/competition_train.csv - Ant Financial

  • raw_data/train.csv - Quora Question Pairs

  • word2vec/substoke_char.vec.avg - Ant Financial

  • word2vec/substoke_word.vec.avg - Ant Financial

  • data/stopwords.txt - Ant Financial

  • word2vec/glove.word2vec.txt - Quora Question Pairs

  • raw_data/task3_train.txt - CCKS 2018

  • raw_data/task3_dev.txt - CCKS 2018

    unzip glove.840B.300d
    from gensim.scripts.glove2word2vec import glove2word2vec
    _ = glove2word2vec('glove.840B.300d.txt', 'word2vec/glove.word2vec.txt')
    rm glove.840B*


  • data/sentence_char_train.csv - Ant Financial
  • data/sentence_word_train.csv - Ant Financial
  • word2vec/Ant_char_tokenizer.pickle - Ant Financial
  • word2vec/Ant_char_embed_matrix.pickle - Ant Financial
  • word2vec/Ant_word_tokenizer.pickle - Ant Financial
  • word2vec/Ant_word_embed_matrix.pickle - Ant Financial
  • word2vec/Quora_tokenizer.pickle - Quora Question Pairs
  • word2vec/Quora_embed_matrix.pickle - Quora Question Pairs
  • model/*
  • log/*


ANT Financial Competition

Goal: classify whether two question sentences are asking the same thing => predict true or false

Evaluation: f1-score


  • Positive data: 18.23%

Quora Question Pairs

kaggle competitions download -c quora-question-pairs
unzip test.csv -d raw_data
unzip train.csv -d raw_data
rm *.zip

Goal: classify whether question pairs are duplicates or not => predict the probability that the questions are duplicates (a number between 0 and 1)

Evaluation: log loss between the predicted values and the ground truth


  • Positive data: 36.92%
  • 400K rows in train set and about 2.35M rows in test set
  • 6 columns in train set but only 3 of them are in test set
    • train set
      • id - the id of a training set question pair
      • qid1, qid2 - unique ids of each question (only available in train.csv)
      • question1, question2 - the full text of each question
      • is_duplicate - the target variable, set to 1 if question1 and question2 have essentially the same meaning, and 0 otherwise
    • test set
      • test_id
      • question1, question2
  • about 63% non-duplicate questions and 37% duplicate questions in the training data set

CCKS 2018

CCKS: China Conference on Knowledge Graph and Semantic Computing


  • Positive data: 50%
  • Data amount: 100000

CHIP 2018




  • Positive data: 52%
  • Data amount: 254386


  • More evaluation matrics: recall & f1-score
  • Continue training?!
  • Potential multi-class classification
    • num_class input
    • sigmoid => softmax
    • (but how about siamese model??)


Notes for unbalanced data

Balance data generator

In, the class BalanceDataHelper

Use different loss

  • Dice loss

    • Dice Loss PR · Issue #1249 · pytorch/pytorch

    • other approach

      if weight is None:
              weight = torch.ones(
                  y_pred.shape[-1], dtype=torch.float).to(device=y_pred.device)  # (C)
          if not mode:
              return self.simple_cross_entry(y_pred, golden, seq_mask, weight)
          probs = nn.functional.softmax(y_pred, dim=2)  # (B, T, C)
          B, T, C = probs.shape
          golden_index = golden.unsqueeze(dim=2)  # (B, T, 1)
          golden_probs = torch.gather(
              probs, dim=2, index=golden_index)  # (B, T, 1)
          probs_in_package = golden_probs.expand(B, T, T).transpose(1, 2)
          packages = np.array([np.eye(T)] * B)  # (B, T, T)
          probs_in_package = probs_in_package * \
              torch.tensor(packages, dtype=torch.float).to(device=probs.device)
          max_probs_in_package, _ = torch.max(probs_in_package, dim=2)
          golden_probs = golden_probs.squeeze(dim=2)
          golden_weight = golden_probs / (max_probs_in_package)  # (B, T)
          golden_weight = golden_weight.view(-1)
          golden_weight = golden_weight.detach()
          y_pred = y_pred.view(-1, C)
          golden = golden.view(-1)
          seq_mask = seq_mask.view(-1)
          negative_label = torch.tensor(
              [0] * (B * T), dtype=torch.long, device=y_pred.device)
          golden_loss = nn.functional.cross_entropy(
              y_pred, golden, weight=weight, reduction='none')
          negative_loss = nn.functional.cross_entropy(
              y_pred, negative_label, weight=weight, reduction='none')
          loss = golden_weight * golden_loss + \
              (1 - golden_weight) * negative_loss  # (B * T)
          loss =, seq_mask) / (torch.sum(seq_mask) + self.epsilon)
  • Triplet-Loss

  • N-pair Loss

Notes about Virtualenv

# this will create a env_name folder in current directory
virtualenv --python=/path/to/python3.x env_name

# activate the environment
source ./env_name/bin/activate

Add alias in bashrc

  • Goto work directory and activate the environment
    • alias davidlee="cd /home/username/working_dir; source env_name/bin/activate"
  • Use pip source when install packages
    • alias pipp="pip install -i"

Install Jupyter notebook use the virtualenv kernel

  1. make sure you activate the environment
  2. pip3 install jupyterlab
  3. python3 -m ipykernel install --user --name=python3.6virtualenv
  4. execute jupyter notebook as normal jupyter notebook
  5. Goto kernel > change kernel > select python3.6virtualenv






Related Project


Model Source Code



Candidate Set


Siamese Models

Siamese-CNN, Siamese-RNN, Siamese-LSTM, Siamese-RCNN, Siamese-Attention-RCNN

Contrastive Loss

Trouble Shooting

RuntimeError: Input type (torch.cuda.FloatTensor) and weight type (torch.FloatTensor) should be the same

somehow the nn.Module in a list can't be auto connect to(device)


Sorry for the limitation of the Git-LFS bandwidth quota, might have some problem to clone this project.

git lfs clone --depth=1


class Attention(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self,
                 enc_hid_dim: int,
                 dec_hid_dim: int,
                 attn_dim: int):

        self.enc_hid_dim = enc_hid_dim
        self.dec_hid_dim = dec_hid_dim

        self.attn_in = (enc_hid_dim * 2) + dec_hid_dim

        self.attn = nn.Linear(self.attn_in, attn_dim)

    def forward(self,
                decoder_hidden: Tensor,
                encoder_outputs: Tensor) -> Tensor:

        src_len = encoder_outputs.shape[0]

        repeated_decoder_hidden = decoder_hidden.unsqueeze(
            1).repeat(1, src_len, 1)

        encoder_outputs = encoder_outputs.permute(1, 0, 2)

        energy = torch.tanh(self.attn(

        attention = torch.sum(energy, dim=2)

        return F.softmax(attention, dim=1)

class AttnDecoderRNN(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, hidden_size, output_size, dropout_p=0.1, max_length=MAX_LENGTH):
        super(AttnDecoderRNN, self).__init__()
        self.hidden_size = hidden_size
        self.output_size = output_size
        self.dropout_p = dropout_p
        self.max_length = max_length

        self.embedding = nn.Embedding(self.output_size, self.hidden_size)
        self.attn = nn.Linear(self.hidden_size * 2, self.max_length)
        self.attn_combine = nn.Linear(self.hidden_size * 2, self.hidden_size)
        self.dropout = nn.Dropout(self.dropout_p)
        self.gru = nn.GRU(self.hidden_size, self.hidden_size)
        self.out = nn.Linear(self.hidden_size, self.output_size)

    def forward(self, input, hidden, encoder_outputs):
        embedded = self.embedding(input).view(1, 1, -1)
        embedded = self.dropout(embedded)

        attn_weights = F.softmax(
            self.attn([0], hidden[0]), 1)), dim=1)
        attn_applied = torch.bmm(attn_weights.unsqueeze(0),

        output =[0], attn_applied[0]), 1)
        output = self.attn_combine(output).unsqueeze(0)

        output = F.relu(output)
        output, hidden = self.gru(output, hidden)

        output = F.log_softmax(self.out(output[0]), dim=1)
        return output, hidden, attn_weights

    def initHidden(self):
        return torch.zeros(1, 1, self.hidden_size, device=device)

class Attention(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, feature_dim, step_dim, bias=True, **kwargs):
        super(Attention, self).__init__(**kwargs)

        self.supports_masking = True

        self.bias = bias
        self.feature_dim = feature_dim
        self.step_dim = step_dim
        self.features_dim = 0

        weight = torch.zeros(feature_dim, 1)
        self.weight = nn.Parameter(weight)

        if bias:
            self.b = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(step_dim))

    def forward(self, x, mask=None):
        feature_dim = self.feature_dim
        step_dim = self.step_dim

        eij =
            x.contiguous().view(-1, feature_dim),
        ).view(-1, step_dim)

        if self.bias:
            eij = eij + self.b

        eij = torch.tanh(eij)
        a = torch.exp(eij)

        if mask is not None:
            a = a * mask

        a = a / (torch.sum(a, 1, keepdim=True) + 1e-10)

        weighted_input = x * torch.unsqueeze(a, -1)
        return torch.sum(weighted_input, 1)


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