Data Type Implementations Built on RocksDB
This library provides some basic data types implemented on top of RocksDB. The main goal is to provide a simple and efficient way to store and retrieve data from RocksDB.
This library is still in experimental stage.
- List (RocksList) : A basic implementation for ordered list where you can add and retrieve items by index.
- MultiList (RocksMultiList) : A basic implementation for ordered list where you can add and retrieve items by index. It supports multiple lists under the same name, but different namespaces.
- Set (RocksSet) : A basic implementation for set where you can add, remove and check if an item exists.
- MultiSet (RocksMultiSet) : A basic implementation for set where you can add, remove and check if an item exists. It supports multiple sets under the same name, but different namespaces.
- ZSet (RocksZSet) : A basic implementation for sorted set where you can add, remove and check if an item exists. You can find score of an item and items within a score range.
- MultiZSet (RocksMultiZSet) : A basic implementation for sorted set where you can add, remove and check if an item exists. You can find score of an item and items within a score range. It supports multiple sorted sets under the same name, but different namespaces.
- Map (RocksMap) : A basic implementation for map where you can add, remove and check if an item exists.
- MultiMap (RocksMultiMap) : A basic implementation for map where you can add, remove and check if an item exists. It supports multiple maps under the same name, but different namespaces.
- Bitmap (RocksBitmap) : A basic implementation for bitmap where you can set, unset and check if a bit is set.
- MultiBitmap (RocksMultiBitmap) : A basic implementation for bitmap where you can set, unset and check if a bit is set. It supports multiple bitmaps under the same name, but different namespaces.
- Java 21+
Please check the test cases for usage examples.
Add Snapshot repository
./gradlew clean build