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[in development] Proof-of-Concept variation translation, validation, and registration service


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AnyVar provides Python and REST interfaces to validate, normalize, generate identifiers, and register biological sequence variation according to the GA4GH Variation Representation Specification (VRS).




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You are encouraged to browse issues. All known issues are listed there. Please report any issues you find.

Quick Start

Clone the repo and navigate to it:

git clone
cd anyvar

Point ANYVAR_STORAGE_URI to an available PostgreSQL database:

export ANYVAR_STORAGE_URI=postgresql://anyvar:anyvar-pw@localhost:5432/anyvar

Set SEQREPO_DATAPROXY_URI to local SeqRepo files:

export SEQREPO_DATAPROXY_URI=seqrepo+file:///usr/local/share/seqrepo/latest

Or set SEQREPO_DATAPROXY_URI to a REST service instance:

export SEQREPO_DATAPROXY_URI=seqrepo+http://localhost:5000/seqrepo

Start the AnyVar server:

uvicorn anyvar.restapi.main:app --reload


This section is intended for developers who contribute to AnyVar.


  • Python >= 3.9
    • _Note: Python 3.11 is required for developers contributing to AnyVar
  • Docker

Installing for development

git clone
cd anyvar
make devready
source venv/3.11/bin/activate
pre-commit install


First, you must install a local SeqRepo:

pip install seqrepo
export SEQREPO_VERSION=2024-02-20
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/share/seqrepo
sudo chown $USER /usr/local/share/seqrepo
seqrepo pull -i $SEQREPO_VERSION
seqrepo update-latest

NOTE: To check for the presence of newer snapshots, use the seqrepo list-remote-instances CLI command.

If you encounter a permission error similar to the one below:

PermissionError: [Error 13] Permission denied: '/usr/local/share/seqrepo/2024-02-20._fkuefgd' -> '/usr/local/share/seqrepo/2024-02-20'

Try moving data manually with sudo:

sudo mv /usr/local/share/seqrepo/$SEQREPO_VERSION.* /usr/local/share/seqrepo/$SEQREPO_VERSION

SeqRepo REST

We recommend using Docker to install SeqRepo REST.

SQL Database Setup

A Postgres or Snowflake database may be used with AnyVar. The Postgres database may be either local or remote. Use the ANYVAR_STORAGE_URI environment variable to define the database connection URL. AnyVar uses SQLAlchemy 1.4 to provide database connection management. The default database connection URL is postgresql://postgres@localhost:5432/anyvar.

The database integrations can be modified using the following parameters:

  • ANYVAR_SQL_STORE_BATCH_LIMIT - in batch mode, limit VRS object upsert batches to this number; defaults to 100,000
  • ANYVAR_SQL_STORE_TABLE_NAME - the name of the table that stores VRS objects; defaults to vrs_objects
  • ANYVAR_SQL_STORE_MAX_PENDING_BATCHES - the maximum number of pending batches to allow before blocking; defaults to 50
  • ANYVAR_SQL_STORE_FLUSH_ON_BATCHCTX_EXIT - whether or not flush all pending database writes when the batch manager exists; defaults to True

The Postgres and Snowflake database connectors utilize a background thread to write VRS objects to the database when operating in batch mode (e.g. annotating a VCF file). Queries and statistics query only against the already committed database state. Therefore, queries issued immediately after a batch operation may not reflect all pending changes if the ANYVAR_SQL_STORE_FLUSH_ON_BATCHCTX_EXIT parameter is sett to False.

Setting up Postgres

The following instructions are for using a docker-based Postgres instance.

First, run the commands in This will create and start a local Postgres docker instance. It will also create the anyvar user with the appropriate permissions and create the anyvar database.

Setting up Snowflake

The Snowflake database and schema must exist prior to starting AnyVar. To point AnyVar at Snowflake, specify a Snowflake URI in the ANYVAR_STORAGE_URI environment variable. For example:


Snowflake connection parameter reference

When running interactively and connecting to a Snowflake account that utilizes federated authentication or SSO, add the parameter authenticator=externalbrowser. Non-interactive execution in a federated authentication or SSO environment requires a service account to connect. Connections using an encrypted or unencrypted private key are also supported by specifying the parameter private_key=path/to/file.p8. The key material may be URL-encoded and inlined in the connection URI, for example: private_key=-----BEGIN+PRIVATE+KEY-----%0AMIIEvAIBA...

Environment variables that can be used to modify Snowflake database integration:

  • ANYVAR_SNOWFLAKE_STORE_PRIVATE_KEY_PASSPHRASE - the passphrase for an encrypted private key
  • ANYVAR_SNOWFLAKE_BATCH_ADD_MODE - the SQL statement type to use when adding new VRS objects, one of:
    • merge (default) - use a MERGE statement. This guarantees that duplicate VRS IDs will not be added, but also locks the VRS object table, limiting throughput.
    • insert_notin - use INSERT INTO vrs_objects SELECT FROM tmp WHERE vrs_id NOT IN (...). This narrows the chance of duplicates and does not require a table lock.
    • insert - use INSERT INTO. This maximizes throughput at the cost of not checking for duplicates at all.

If you choose to create the VRS objects table in advance, the minimal table specification is as follows:

    vrs_id VARCHAR(500) COLLATE 'utf8',
    vrs_object VARIANT

Starting the REST service locally

Once the data dependencies are setup, start the REST server with:

uvicorn anyvar.restapi.main:app

In another terminal:

curl http://localhost:8000/info


To run tests:

make test

Use the environment variable ANYVAR_TEST_STORAGE_URI to specify the database to use for tests, eg:

% export ANYVAR_TEST_STORAGE_URI=postgresql://postgres:postgres@localhost/anyvar_test

Currently, there is some interdependency between test modules -- namely, tests that rely on reading data from storage assume that the data from test_variation has been uploaded. A pytest hook ensures correct test order, but some test modules may not be able to pass when run in isolation. By default, the tests will use a Postgres database installation. To run the tests against a Snowflake database, change the ANYVAR_TEST_STORAGE_URI to a Snowflake URI and run the tests.


AnyVar uses the Python Logging Module to output information and diagnostics. By default, log output is directed to standard output and the level is set to INFO. Alternatively, a YAML logging configuration may be specified using the ANYVAR_LOGGING_CONFIG environment variable. The value must be the relative or absolute path of a YAML file containing a valid logging configuration. The configuration in this file will be loaded and used to configured the logging module.

For example:

version: 1
disable_existing_loggers: true

    format: "%(threadName)s %(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s"

    class: logging.StreamHandler
    level: DEBUG
    formatter: standard
    stream: ext://sys.stdout

  level: INFO
  handlers: [console]
  propagate: yes

    level: INFO
    handlers: [console]
    propagate: no
    level: DEBUG
    handlers: [console]
    propagate: no