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Prefect Flows

This repository contains data pipelines and other orchestrated scripts for Prefect. The Prefect cloud UI is available here.

This repository was built off the the dataflow-ops template and tutorial, which set up a minimal working example of Prefect with an execution layer in ECS. It was modified mostly to enable the use of a dedicated (elastic) IP for the ECS tasks, which allowed us to whitelist the outbound IP with TMC Redshift so we can access our redshift instance from the production environment.

Pipelines, Flows, Deployments

Each data pipeline or orchestrated script is called a "flow" in Prefect. A flow is a python function that has been wrapped with the prefect.flow decorator, which enables concurrent execution of submethods that are wrapped with the prefect.task decorator, observability of logs and errors in the Prefect UI.

Prefect flows are "bundled" as a "deployment." The list of deployments, which can be seen in the Prefect UI, is the formal set of our pipelines in production. Deployments can be set up to run on an automated schedule.

All flows live in the flows folder of the repository.

Orchestration vs Execution

Prefect handles orchestration and execution as separate layers. Deployments in Prefect Cloud represent the orchestration layer, where configured schedules trigger the execution of our flows. In the execution layer, a Prefect "agent" polls the Prefect Cloud server to check for triggered flow runs, and executes those flow runs in configured infrastructure.

Our execution layer is set up in AWS ECS. Our prefect agent runs on a small ECS Task that runs 24/7. When a flow run is triggered, a new ECS Task with more compute power is spun up to run the flow, and spun down after the flow finishes running.

Currently our prefect agent and all prefect flows run in the same docker container, built with the Dockerfile in the root directory of this repository.

The execution layer was set up with the AWS CloudFormation script at infrastructure/ecs_cluster_prefect_agent.yml and the ECSTask block at blocks/


Continuous deployment is configured with Github Actions. The script at .github/workflows/main.yaml runs on pushes to the main branch. It checks for changes to flows or utilities and updates the code in the production environment.


See the README in the tests folder


This repository is formatted using black and isort. For more information see and

Pre-commit hooks are available to enforce black and isort formatting on commit. You can also set up your IDE to reformat using black and/or isort on save.

To set up the pre-commit hooks, install pre-commit with pip install pre-commit, and then run pre-commit install.

Installing parsons with friendly dependencies

parsons is a large package with a ton of dependencies. For any given script, we only need a smalls subset of parsons functionality and dependencies installed. To install parsons with an appropriate subset of dependencies, set these two variables in your environment:

  • PIP_NO_BINARY=parsons

and then install parsons with a command that specifies which dependencies you require. For example, pip install parsons[ngpvan,redshift]

See the parsons documentation for more.


Example prefect repository with execution in ECS







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