Distribution of write-operations, over the key set:
x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x sets x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x
x - x deletes x - x
x - x - x appends x - x - x
x - x prepends x - x
x - x expires x - x
x - x adds x - x
i.e, Say if the item-count was set at 1000 items and set ratio was like 0.4, sets-gets happen at ratio 2:3, until 1000 items are created and 1500 successful get requests are issued, the last (exp-ratio) number of set items are set with an expiration time. After this, the first (del-ratio) number of items get deleted, and the next (append-ratio) number of items get updated with the appends, and the overlapping (prepend-ratio) number of items get updated with prepends, and a new set of items are added, indicated by the add-count.
- Current design: all operations on buckets - synchronous access
- Specify test cluster-ops information in test.properties
- make compile : To compile the program
- make run : To execute the program
- make clean : To clean up class files
======================= Setting test.properties:
- nodes...............ip of one node from cluster
- port................couchbase port
- buckets.............list of buckets [format: bucket1:pwd1,bkt2,bkt3:pwd3]
- prefix..............prefix for keys generated
- json................boolean value for json or binary
- item-count..........no. of items to be created
- item-size...........size of each item created
- set-ratio...........ratio of sets to gets till item-count reached
- append-ratio........ratio of item-count that will be updated with appends
- append-size.........extra size to be appended to each item
- prepend-ratio.......ratio of item-count that will be updated with prepends
- prepend-size........extra size to be prepended to each item
- del-ratio...........ratio of item-count to be deleted
- exp-ratio...........ratio of items set initially to be set with an expiry time
- expiration..........expiration time for the items set with an expiry time
- add-count...........no. of items to be added extra
- loop................boolean value - to loop the load infinitely or not
- check-flag..........boolean value - to store return value of a set to later verify the set success