Rust wrapper for ArrayFire 3.7.0
New Features & Improvements
New Features/Functions
- Confidence Connected Components confidence_cc - #213
- Deconvolutions - #213
- Event - #213
- Reduction using keys - #213
- Neural network based convolution and gradient functions - #213
- Support for uniform ranges in approx1 and approx2 functions - #213
- Window::set_axes_label_formats - #213
- gemm - #213
- meanvar - #213
- pad - #213
- pinverse - #213
- rsqrt - #213
- set_cublas_mode - #213
Fixes and Improvements
- Linked to md-book on gh-pages so that works
- Fixed
functions output Array type. For boolean/char inputs, the output of product operation
is char and everywhere else same asAggregateType
Improvements in Upstream
- Added 16-bit floating point support for the following features/functions.
- Printing of Array
- Random Number Generation
- Unary operators/functions
- clamp
- flat
- matmul
- reorder
- select_scalar
- transpose
- Sparse array - Sparse array arithmetic support added in upstream.
- Print stack trace on errors.
For more information about the performance and bug fixes made in the upstream, ArrayFire, please refer to the following two release notes.