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andrecasal committed Jul 29, 2024
1 parent 438333b commit 8b9900b
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Showing 3 changed files with 20 additions and 53 deletions.
49 changes: 7 additions & 42 deletions app/components/footer.tsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,12 +3,13 @@ import { H2 } from '~/ui_components/typography/h2.tsx'
import { H3 } from '~/ui_components/typography/h3.tsx'
import { P } from '~/ui_components/typography/p.tsx'
import { Span } from '~/ui_components/typography/span.tsx'
import { Icon } from './ui/icon'

const navigation = {
social: [
name: 'Twitter',
href: '',
name: 'X',
href: '',
icon: (props: any) => (
<svg fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24" {...props}>
<path d="M8.29 20.251c7.547 0 11.675-6.253 11.675-11.675 0-.178 0-.355-.012-.53A8.348 8.348 0 0022 5.92a8.19 8.19 0 01-2.357.646 4.118 4.118 0 001.804-2.27 8.224 8.224 0 01-2.605.996 4.107 4.107 0 00-6.993 3.743 11.65 11.65 0 01-8.457-4.287 4.106 4.106 0 001.27 5.477A4.072 4.072 0 012.8 9.713v.052a4.105 4.105 0 003.292 4.022 4.095 4.095 0 01-1.853.07 4.108 4.108 0 003.834 2.85A8.233 8.233 0 012 18.407a11.616 11.616 0 006.29 1.84" />
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -41,52 +42,16 @@ const navigation = {
/* {
name: 'Facebook',
href: '#',
icon: (props: any) => (
<svg fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24" {...props}>
d="M22 12c0-5.523-4.477-10-10-10S2 6.477 2 12c0 4.991 3.657 9.128 8.438 9.878v-6.987h-2.54V12h2.54V9.797c0-2.506 1.492-3.89 3.777-3.89 1.094 0 2.238.195 2.238.195v2.46h-1.26c-1.243 0-1.63.771-1.63 1.562V12h2.773l-.443 2.89h-2.33v6.988C18.343 21.128 22 16.991 22 12z"
}, */
/* {
name: 'Instagram',
href: '#',
icon: (props: any) => (
<svg fill="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24" {...props}>
d="M12.315 2c2.43 0 2.784.013 3.808.06 1.064.049 1.791.218 2.427.465a4.902 4.902 0 011.772 1.153 4.902 4.902 0 011.153 1.772c.247.636.416 1.363.465 2.427.048 1.067.06 1.407.06 4.123v.08c0 2.643-.012 2.987-.06 4.043-.049 1.064-.218 1.791-.465 2.427a4.902 4.902 0 01-1.153 1.772 4.902 4.902 0 01-1.772 1.153c-.636.247-1.363.416-2.427.465-1.067.048-1.407.06-4.123.06h-.08c-2.643 0-2.987-.012-4.043-.06-1.064-.049-1.791-.218-2.427-.465a4.902 4.902 0 01-1.772-1.153 4.902 4.902 0 01-1.153-1.772c-.247-.636-.416-1.363-.465-2.427-.047-1.024-.06-1.379-.06-3.808v-.63c0-2.43.013-2.784.06-3.808.049-1.064.218-1.791.465-2.427a4.902 4.902 0 011.153-1.772A4.902 4.902 0 015.45 2.525c.636-.247 1.363-.416 2.427-.465C8.901 2.013 9.256 2 11.685 2h.63zm-.081 1.802h-.468c-2.456 0-2.784.011-3.807.058-.975.045-1.504.207-1.857.344-.467.182-.8.398-1.15.748-.35.35-.566.683-.748 1.15-.137.353-.3.882-.344 1.857-.047 1.023-.058 1.351-.058 3.807v.468c0 2.456.011 2.784.058 3.807.045.975.207 1.504.344 1.857.182.466.399.8.748 1.15.748.353.137.882.3 1.857.344 1.054.048 1.37.058 4.041.058h.08c2.597 0 2.917-.01 3.96-.058.976-.045 1.505-.207 1.858-.344.466-.182.8-.398 1.15-.748.35-.35.566-.683.748-1.15.137-.353.3-.882.344-1.857.048-1.055.058-1.37.058-4.041v-.08c0-2.597-.01-2.917-.058-3.96-.045-.976-.207-1.505-.344-1.858a3.097 3.097 0 00-.748-1.15 3.098 3.098 0 00-1.15-.748c-.353-.137-.882-.3-1.857-.344-1.023-.047-1.351-.058-3.807-.058zM12 6.865a5.135 5.135 0 110 10.27 5.135 5.135 0 010-10.27zm0 1.802a3.333 3.333 0 100 6.666 3.333 3.333 0 000-6.666zm5.338-3.205a1.2 1.2 0 110 2.4 1.2 1.2 0 010-2.4z"
}, */
sitemap: [
{ name: 'Homepage', href: '/' },
/* { name: 'Tips', href: '/tips' }, */
/* { name: 'Shorts', href: '/shorts' }, */
{ name: 'ui', href: '/ui' },
{ name: 'ShipFast', href: '/ship-fast' },
{ name: 'Articles', href: '/articles' },
/* { name: 'Talks', href: '/talks' }, */
{ name: 'Courses', href: '/courses' },
{ name: 'Mentoring', href: '/mentorship' },
/* { name: 'About', href: '/about' }, */
/* { name: 'Uses', href: '/uses' }, */
/* { name: 'Transparency', href: '/transparency' }, */
{ name: 'LaunchFast', href: '', external: true },
{ name: 'VerveUI', href: '', external: true },
{ name: 'Courses', href: '/courses' },
courses: [{ name: 'Mastery for VS Code', href: '/courses/mastery-for-vs-code' }],
/* legal: [
{ name: 'Privacy', href: '/privacy' },
{ name: 'Terms', href: '/terms' },
], */

const Footer = () => {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -124,7 +89,7 @@ const Footer = () => {
<li key={}>
<Span size="sm">
<a href={item.href} className="text-size-sm text-muted-600 hover:text-muted-900">
{} {item.external ? <Icon name="paper-plane" className="-mt-1 inline-block h-3 w-3 -rotate-45" /> : null}
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions app/components/header.tsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ const prefetch = 'intent'
const navigation: { name: string; href: string; external?: boolean; children?: { name: string; href: string }[] }[] = [
{ name: 'Articles', href: '/articles' },
{ name: 'Mentorship', href: '/mentorship' },
{ name: 'LaunchFast', href: '', external: true },
{ name: 'VerveUI', href: '', external: true },
{ name: 'ShipFast', href: '/ship-fast' },
{ name: 'VS Code', href: '/courses/mastery-for-vs-code' },
/* { name: 'About', href: '/courses', children: [
{ name: 'About André', href: '/about' },
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ export default function Header() {
className="relative block after:absolute after:bottom-0 after:left-0 after:right-0 after:block after:h-0.5 after:max-w-0 after:bg-foreground after:transition-max-width after:duration-500 aria-[current]:after:max-w-full"
{name} {external ? <Icon name="paper-plane" className="-mt-1 inline-block h-4 w-4" /> : null}
{name} {external ? <Icon name="paper-plane" className="-mt-1 inline-block h-3 w-3 -rotate-45" /> : null}
Expand Down
20 changes: 11 additions & 9 deletions app/routes/_marketing+/index.tsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -32,16 +32,18 @@ export default function Index() {

const currently_building = [
name: 'UI library',
description: 'All the lego pieces to build your UI. An accessible, SEO-optimized, UI library for fast UI development.',
icon: 'mix',
link: '/ui',
name: 'LaunchFast',
description: 'The Remix stack with all you need to build your web app. From idea to production in 2 minutes.',
icon: 'bolt',
link: '',
external: true,
name: 'ShipFast',
description: 'The Remix stack with all you need to build your full-stack web app. From idea to production in 5 minutes.',
icon: 'bolt',
link: '/ship-fast',
name: 'VerveUI',
description: 'All the lego pieces to build your UI. An accessible, SEO-optimized, UI library for fast UI development.',
icon: 'mix',
link: '',
external: true,
name: 'Estuda Comigo',
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -99,7 +101,7 @@ export default function Index() {
<Span size="md" className="flex gap-2 font-bold text-muted-900">
<Icon name={feature.icon as any} className="h-6 w-6 text-foreground" aria-hidden="true" />
{} {feature.external ? <Icon name="paper-plane" className="-mt-1 inline-block h-3 w-3 -rotate-45" /> : null}
<dd className="mt-2 text-muted-600">
Expand Down

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