The core to produce a compiler and interpreter for the LPhy language using Xtext
From the version 2.24, Xtext and Xtend will depend on Java 11.
lphyDSL The core base of LPhy.
File => Import ... => General => Exsiting Projects into Workspace
Right-click on the grammar file LPhy.xtext from either Project Explorer or Package Explorer, then Run As => Generate Xtext Artifacts
Right-click on the project lphyDSL in the Package Explorer and select Run As => Eclipse Application
. In the new Eclipse instance including LPhy, create a new project, e.g. File => New => Project ... => Java Project
, and then create a new file with the file extension (*.lphy).
The above text is modified from Xtext 15 Minutes Tutorial
- Do not click on the checkbox "Copy projects into workspace". Otherwise you will have this problem : Eclipse Not Importing Projects