SplitLab is a Matlab based GUI to measure the splitting of (teleseismic) shear waves. In contrast to fully automated techniques, SplitLab offers a per-event approach that maintains a user control during the sequence of processing. For more information, see the SplitLab webpage.
The most recent version, SplitLab1.9.0, works on Matlab R2015b and R2016a.
Although most functionalties are tested, we recommand to use the tool with caution. We cannot garantee for any bugs. However, we invite you to help us maintaining the software by reporting issues or, even better, by contributing to the code.
Please note, most SKS splitting measurements published to-date can be found at:
http://splitting.gm.univ-montp2.fr/ or likewise mirrowed at: https://ds.iris.edu/spud/swsmeasurement