We now use rioxarray to read raster data. We recommend reinstalling your hydromt and hydromt_wflow environment including the rioxarray package.
This enables the writting of CF compliant netcdf files for wflow staticmaps.nc and inmaps.nc.
Following an update in xarray, hydromt version should be >= 0.5.0.
- correct float32 dtype for all landuse based maps (by changing values in all lookup tables to floats)
- write CF-compliant staticmaps.nc and inmaps.nc
- CRS issue when deriving subcatch for user defined gauges in setup_gauges
- update times in config depending on forcing date range availability in write_forcing methods #97
- In the naming of the generated hydrodem map, it is now specified if a D4 or D8 conditionning has been applied for land cells.
- uint8 dtype wflow_rivers and wflow_streamorder maps
- except for coordinates (incl x_out and y_out) all variables are saved with at most 32 bit depth
- new dtype and nodata arguments in setup_constant_pars
- read boolean PCRaster maps with int type to be consistent with netcdf based maps
- use latest hydromt github version for the test environment files.
- in setup_glaciers predicate to intersects glacier data with model region is 'intersects' (the old 'contains' was not used anyway due to a bug in core).
- in setup_reservoirs and setup_lakes the predicate 'contains' to open data is now officially used after a bugfix in hydromt core (cf #150).
- nodata argument to setup_areamap with a default of -1 (was 0 and not user defined).