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Add material for DSD 2023 breakout session (#582)
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priscavdsluis authored Nov 15, 2023
1 parent 7613224 commit ade1935
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Showing 49 changed files with 3,832 additions and 0 deletions.
279 changes: 279 additions & 0 deletions docs/tutorials/dsd_2023/demo/data/FlowFM.mdu
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
# written by HYDROLIB-core 0.3.1

fileVersion = 1.09
fileType = modelDef
program = D-Flow FM
version =
autoStart = 0
pathsRelativeToParent = 0

netFile =
bathymetryFile =
dryPointsFile =
structureFile = structures.ini
iniFieldFile = initialFields.ini
waterLevIniFile =
landBoundaryFile =
thinDamFile =
fixedWeirFile =
pillarFile =
useCaching = 1
vertPlizFile =
frictFile = roughness-Channels.ini;roughness-Main.ini;roughness-Sewer.ini;roughness-FloodPlain1.ini;roughness-FloodPlain2.ini
crossDefFile = crsdef.ini
crossLocFile = crsloc.ini
storageNodeFile = nodeFile.ini
1d2dLinkFile =
profLocFile = # <*>) x, y, z, z = profile refnumber.
profDefFile = # <*_profdefinition.def>) definition for all profile nrs.
profDefXyzFile =
manholeFile =
partitionFile =
uniformWidth1D = 2.0
waterLevIni = 0.0
bedLevUni = -5.0
bedSlope = 0.0
bedLevType = 1
blMeanBelow = -999.0
blMinAbove = -999.0
angLat = 0.0
angLon = 0.0
conveyance2D = -1
nonlin1D = 1
nonlin2D = 0
sillHeightMin = 0.0
makeOrthoCenters = 0
dCenterInside = 1.0
baMin = 1e-06
openBoundaryTolerance = 3.0
renumberFlowNodes = 1
kmx = 0
layerType = 1
numTopSig = 0
sigmaGrowthFactor = 1.0
dxDoubleAt1DEndNodes = 0
changeVelocityAtStructures = 0 # Ignore structure dimensions for the velocity at hydraulic structures, when calculating the surrounding cell centered flow velocities.
changeStructureDimensions = 1 # Change the structure dimensions in case these are inconsistent with the channel dimensions.

useVolumeTables = 1
increment = 0.1
useVolumeTableFile = 0 # Read and write the volume table from/to file (1: yes, 0= no).

CFLMax = 0.7
advecType = 33
timeStepType = 2
limTypHu = 0
limTypMom = 4
limTypSa = 4
icgSolver = 4
maxDegree = 6
fixedWeirScheme = 6
fixedWeirContraction = 1.0
izBndPos = 0
tlfSmo = 0.0
slopeDrop2D = 0.0
drop1D = 1
chkAdvd = 0.1
teta0 = 0.55
qhRelax = 0.01
cstBnd = 0
maxitVerticalForesterSal = 0
maxitVerticalForesterTem = 0
turbulenceModel = 3
turbulenceAdvection = 3
antiCreep = 0
maxWaterLevelDiff = 0.0
maxVelocityDiff = 0.0
epsHu = 0.0001

unifFrictCoef = 0.023
unifFrictType = 1
unifFrictCoef1D = 0.023
unifFrictCoefLin = 0.0
vicouv = 1.0
dicouv = 1.0
vicoww = 5e-05
dicoww = 5e-05
vicwminb = 0.0
xlozmidov = 0.0 # Ozmidov length scale [m], default=0.0, no contribution of internal waves to vertical diffusion.
smagorinsky = 0.0
elder = 0.0
irov = 0
wall_ks = 0.0
rhomean = 1000.0
idensform = 2
ag = 9.81
tidalForcing = 0
doodsonStart = 55.565
doodsonStop = 375.575
doodsonEps = 0.0
villemonteCD1 = 1.0 # Calibration coefficient for Villemonte. Default = 1.0.
villemonteCD2 = 10.0 # Calibration coefficient for Villemonte. Default = 10.0.
salinity = 0
initialSalinity = 0.0
sal0AboveZLev = -999.0
deltaSalinity = -999.0
backgroundSalinity = 25.0
temperature = 0
initialTemperature = 6.0
backgroundWaterTemperature = 5.0
secchiDepth = 2.0
stanton = -1.0
dalton = -1.0
secondaryFlow = 0
betaSpiral = 0.0

Sedimentmodelnr = # Sediment model nr, (0=no, 1=Krone, 2=SvR2007, 3=E-H, 4=MorphologyModule).
MorFile = # Morphology settings file (*.mor)
SedFile = # Sediment characteristics file (*.sed)

iCdTyp = 2
CdBreakpoints = 0.00063 0.00723
windSpeedBreakpoints = 0.0 100.0
rhoAir = 1.205
relativeWind = 0.0 # Wind speed [kg/m3] relative to top-layer water speed*relativewind (0d0=no relative wind, 1d0=using full top layer speed).
windPartialDry = 1 # Reduce windstress on water if link partially dry, only for bedlevtyp=3, 0=no, 1=yes (default).
pavBnd = 0.0
pavIni = 0.0

waveModelNr = 0
rouWav = FR84
gammaX = 1.0

refDate = 20110202
tZone = 0.0
tUnit = S
dtUser = 600.0
dtNodal = 21600.0
dtMax = 900.0
dtInit = 1.0
tStart = 0.0
tStop = 3600.0
updateRoughnessInterval = 86400.0

restartFile =
restartDateTime =

[External Forcing]
extForceFile =
extForceFileNew = FlowFM_bnd.ext
rainfall = # Include rainfall, (0=no, 1=yes).
qExt = 0
evaporation = # Include evaporation in water balance, (0=no, 1=yes).
windExt = # Include wind, externally provided, (0=no, 1=reserved for EC, 2=yes).

interceptionModel = 0

trtRou = N
trtDef =
trtL =
dtTrt = 60.0

wrishp_crs = 0
wrishp_weir = 0
wrishp_gate = 0
wrishp_fxw = 0
wrishp_thd = 0
wrishp_obs = 0
wrishp_emb = 0
wrishp_dryArea = 0
wrishp_enc = 0
wrishp_src = 0
wrishp_pump = 0
outputDir = output
waqOutputDir =
flowGeomFile =
obsFile = obsFile1D_obs.ini
crsFile =
hisFile =
hisInterval = 3600.0
xlsInterval = 0.0
mapFile =
mapInterval = 3600.0
rstInterval = 86400.0
mapFormat = 4
ncFormat = 3 # Format for all NetCDF output files (3: classic, 4: NetCDF4+HDF5).
ncNoUnlimited = 0 # Write full-length time-dimension instead of unlimited dimension (1: yes, 0: no). (Might require NcFormat=4.)
ncNoForcedFlush = 0 # Do not force flushing of map-like files every output timestep (1: yes, 0: no).
ncWriteLatLon = 0 # Write extra lat-lon coordinates for all projected coordinate variables in each NetCDF file (for CF-compliancy) (1: yes, 0: no).
wrihis_balance = 1
wrihis_sourceSink = 1
wrihis_structure_gen = 1
wrihis_structure_dam = 1
wrihis_structure_pump = 1
wrihis_structure_gate = 1
wrihis_structure_weir = 1
wrihis_structure_orifice = 1
wrihis_structure_bridge = 1
wrihis_structure_culvert = 1
wrihis_structure_longCulvert = 1 # Write long culvert parameters to his file, (1: yes, 0: no).
wrihis_structure_damBreak = 1
wrihis_structure_uniWeir = 1
wrihis_structure_compound = 1
wrihis_lateral = 1
wrihis_velocity = 0 # Write velocity magnitude in observation point to his file, (1: yes, 0: no).
wrihis_discharge = 0 # Write discharge magnitude in observation point to his file, (1: yes, 0: no).
wrimap_waterLevel_s0 = 0
wrimap_waterLevel_s1 = 1
wrimap_evaporation = 0
wrimap_velocity_component_u0 = 0
wrimap_velocity_component_u1 = 1
wrimap_velocity_vector = 1
wrimap_upward_velocity_component = 0
wrimap_density_rho = 0
wrimap_horizontal_viscosity_viu = 0
wrimap_horizontal_diffusivity_diu = 0
wrimap_flow_flux_q1 = 1
wrimap_spiral_flow = 0
wrimap_numLimdt = 1
wrimap_tauCurrent = 0
wrimap_chezy = 0
wrimap_turbulence = 0
wrimap_rain = 0 # Write rainfall rate to map file, (1: yes, 0: no).
wrimap_wind = 0
wrimap_heat_fluxes = 0
wrimap_wet_waterDepth_threshold = 0.01
wrimap_time_water_on_ground = 1
wrimap_freeboard = 1
wrimap_waterDepth_on_ground = 1
wrimap_volume_on_ground = 1
wrimap_total_net_inflow_1d2d = 1
wrimap_total_net_inflow_lateral = 1
wrimap_water_level_gradient = 0 # Write water level gradient to map file (only for 1D links) (1:yes, 0:no).
wrimap_flow_analysis = 0 # Write flow analysis data to the map file (1:yes, 0:no).
mapOutputTimeVector =
fullGridOutput = 0
eulerVelocities = 0
classMapFile =
waterLevelClasses = 0.0
waterDepthClasses = 0.0
classMapInterval = 0.0
waqInterval = 0.0
statsInterval = 0.0
timingsInterval = 0.0
richardsonOnOutput = 1

GroundWater = 0 #
Infiltrationmodel = 0
Hinterceptionlayer = #
UnifInfiltrationCapacity = 0.0 # Uniform maximum infiltration capacity [m/s].
Conductivity = 0.0 # Non-dimensionless K conductivity saturated (m/s), Q = K*A*i (m3/s)
h_aquiferuni = 20.0 # bgrw = bl - h_aquiferuni (m), if negative, bgrw = bgrwuni.
bgrwuni = # uniform level of impervious layer, only used if h_aquiferuni is negative.
h_unsatini = 0.2 # initial level groundwater is bedlevel - h_unsatini (m), if negative, sgrw = sgrwini.
sgrwini = # Initial groundwater level, if h_unsatini < 0.

50 changes: 50 additions & 0 deletions docs/tutorials/dsd_2023/demo/data/FlowFM_bnd.ext
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
# written by HYDROLIB-core 0.3.1

fileVersion = 2.00
fileType = extForce

id = 10
name = Stuw Wedde R5 A=4249 ha
locationType = 1d
nodeId = 10
discharge = FlowFM_lateral_sources.bc

id = 632
name = De Poale A=424 ha
locationType = 1d
nodeId = 632
discharge = FlowFM_lateral_sources.bc

id = 1183
locationType = 1d
nodeId = 1183
discharge = realtime

id = 1277
locationType = 1d
nodeId = 1277
discharge = realtime

id = DV_360
locationType = 1d
nodeId = DV_360
discharge = FlowFM_lateral_sources.bc

id = DV_1454
locationType = 1d
nodeId = DV_1454
discharge = FlowFM_lateral_sources.bc

id = DV_1455
locationType = 1d
nodeId = DV_1455
discharge = FlowFM_lateral_sources.bc

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
fileVersion = 1.01
fileType = boundConds

51 changes: 51 additions & 0 deletions docs/tutorials/dsd_2023/demo/data/FlowFM_lateral_sources.bc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
# written by HYDROLIB-core 0.3.1

fileVersion = 1.01
fileType = boundConds

name = 10
function = constant
offset = 0.0
factor = 1.0
quantity = lateral_discharge
unit = m³/s

name = 632
function = constant
offset = 0.0
factor = 1.0
quantity = lateral_discharge
unit = m³/s

name = DV_360
function = constant
offset = 0.0
factor = 1.0
quantity = lateral_discharge
unit = m³/s

name = DV_1454
function = constant
offset = 0.0
factor = 1.0
quantity = lateral_discharge
unit = m³/s

name = DV_1455
function = constant
offset = 0.0
factor = 1.0
quantity = lateral_discharge
unit = m³/s

4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions docs/tutorials/dsd_2023/demo/data/FlowFM_meteo.bc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
fileVersion = 1.01
fileType = boundConds

Binary file added docs/tutorials/dsd_2023/demo/data/
Binary file not shown.

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