A Julia package for fusing multiple broadcast expressions together.
A motivating example of this package is the following:
x1 = rand(3,3)
x2 = rand(3,3)
x3 = rand(3,3)
x4 = rand(3,3)
y1 = rand(3,3)
y2 = rand(3,3)
# 2 writes, 4 unique reads, but 8 reads including redundant ones
@. y1 = x1 * x2 + x3 * x4
@. y2 = x1 * x3 + x2 * x4
In this example, there are 4 unique reads, and 2 writes. However, because the reads are in two separate broadcast expressions, there are 8 reads total, including redundant ones. Another important note is that y1
and y2
are stored separately in memory. Fusing these operations can be achieved by changing the memory layout, and adjusting the implementation. For example:
X = map(x->Tuple(rand(4)),zeros(3,3));
Y = map(x->Tuple(rand(2)),zeros(3,3));
foo(x) = (x[1] * x[2] + x[3] * x[4], x[1] * x[3] + x[2] * x[4])
# 4 reads, 2 writes
@. Y = foo(X)
However, this is not an objectively better solution:
- The memory layout, and code implementation, had to be changed in order to make this work, and this can be very difficult for a complex codebase.
- Memory acces of
is now strided, which could result in less performant code than a single fused loop with more contiguous memory.
Ideally, we would like for the loops to be fused with the more contiguous data layouts:
x1 = rand(3,3)
x2 = rand(3,3)
x3 = rand(3,3)
x4 = rand(3,3)
y1 = rand(3,3)
y2 = rand(3,3)
# 2 writes, 4 unique reads. The compiler can hoist the redundant memory reads here.
for i in eachindex(x1,x2,x3,x4,y1,y2)
y1[i] = x1[i] * x2[i] + x3[i] * x4[i]
y2[i] = x1[i] * x3[i] + x2[i] * x4[i]
With this package, we can apply @fused_direct
to reduce the number of reads and preserve the memory layout:
import MultiBroadcastFusion as MBF
x1 = rand(3,3)
x2 = rand(3,3)
x3 = rand(3,3)
x4 = rand(3,3)
y1 = rand(3,3)
y2 = rand(3,3)
# 4 reads, 2 writes
MBF.@fused_direct begin
@. y1 = x1 * x2 + x3 * x4
@. y2 = x1 * x3 + x2 * x4
This is achieved by fusing the loops and inlining with the given data, resulting in the compiler being able to perform Common-SubExpression Elimination (CSE) on the memory loads.
Users can write custom implementations, using the @make_type
and @make_fused
macros, and then defining Base.copyto!
on the type you've defined
import MultiBroadcastFusion as MBF
import MultiBroadcastFusion: fused_direct
MBF.@make_type MyFusedMultiBroadcast
MBF.@make_fused fused_direct MyFusedMultiBroadcast my_fused
# Now, `@fused_direct` will call `Base.copyto!(::MyFusedMultiBroadcast)`. Let's define it:
function Base.copyto!(fmb::MyFusedMultiBroadcast)
pairs = fmb.pairs
destinations = map(x->x.first, pairs)
@inbounds for i in eachindex(destinations)
# does `@inline pair.first[i] = pair.second[i]` for all pairs
MBF.rcopyto_at!(pairs, i)
return nothing
x1 = rand(3,3)
x2 = rand(3,3)
x3 = rand(3,3)
x4 = rand(3,3)
y1 = rand(3,3)
y2 = rand(3,3)
# 4 reads, 2 writes
@my_fused begin
@. y1 = x1 * x2 + x3 * x4
@. y2 = x1 * x3 + x2 * x4
Users can also write custom macros with, for example,
import MultiBroadcastFusion as MBF
struct FusedMultiBroadcast{T}
macro get_fused_multi_broadcast(expr)
_pairs = gensym()
$_pairs = $(esc(MBF.fused_direct(expr)))
This can be helpful for inspecting multibroadcast objects.