ERC library for blockchain Development
added colors for network and asset's
In development. More networks, asset's and features are coming...
npm install @idecentralize/erclib
import ERC20 from "@idecentralize/erclib"
address should be checksumed
set the chain ID
const chainId = 137 // Polygon
for non ethereum metamask (not included ny default in metamask)
you can get the RPC, explorer to add the rpc to metamask or connect to the selected network
NETWORK[chainId].rpc // output the rpc URI
get the asset into on the specific network.
const usdc = "0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48"
ERC20[chainId][usdc].decimals // output decimals of asset
ERC20[chainId][usdc].compound // output cToken address
ERC20[chainId][usdc].colors // HTML color
import IPFS_SVG_PATH from "@idecentralize/erclib"
<image src={IPFS_SVG_PATH + ERC20[network_id][usdc].symbol + '.svg'} alt={ERC20[network_id][usdc].symbol} />
network_id should be the chain id return by the provider. When forking the mainnet using hardhat, the network id is 31337 and we want to use the mainnet asset under network id 1.
ERC20[network_id === 31337 ? 1 : network_id][usdc].decimals // output decimals of asset
This will use the mainnet id on the library when forking.
- Ethereum
- Polygon
- Aurora
- Avanlance
- xDai
- Compound
- Aave
- Yearn v2
Please report any issues!
To have add some assets please submit a PR and provide the SVG logo.