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318 lines (201 loc) · 28.7 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

3.1.4 - 2024-08/06


  • Fixed a bug with AcrylicDNS when Valet is installed on Linux on Windows via WSL2, WSL2 wouldn't launch on system reboot (Fix PR by @jerrens in #15).
    • Changed the binding address to instead of Fixes #14

3.1.3 - 2024-05-23


  • Fixed Valet install failure, particularly with Ansicon due to spaces in the user directory name (Fix PR by @shahriarrahat in #12).

    • Adds a pathFilter function to replace the directory name with it's Windows shortname equivalent. e.g. from John Doe to JOHNDO~1. For use with the valetBinPath function that is used in the Ansicon installation.
  • Fixed multiple cmd or powershell commands for spaces by wrapping them in double quotes.

  • Fixed errors where composer diagnostics and the valet diagnostics output file couldn't be written because it was trying to write to the terminal's current working directory, which could be a protected directory like Program Files. Added VALET_HOME_PATH to the commands, so that they get saved to ~/.config/valet.

  • Fixed the copying of the diagnostics output to clipboard that just stopped working for unknown reasons. Fixed by changing cli->run to cli->powershell to ensure that the copy command clip is available.

  • Fixed the nginx config check command in diagnose, where it errors out because it couldn't find the file due to:

    • the path after the -c option couldn't be the shortened username via the valetBinPath(). Changed it back to use __DIR__ . And added an escaped double quotes (\") around it.

    • the replacing of all backslashes in the command. This meant that with the new escaped double quotes it changed the backslash to forward slash. So instead of -c \"C:/Users/... it was changed to -c /"C:/Users/... and the system interpreted it as "C:/C:/Users/...

      Fixed by changing the replace function to use a regex that only replaces single backslashes and disregards the escaped quotes.


  • Changed pathFilter function from #12 to replace forward slashes with backslashes to prevent errors within the function where paths aren't exploded because the /s. But replaced the backslashes back to forwardslashes once the function was complete and fix further errors that occurred.

  • Moved the diagnose commands array into the __construct function so that we can use the global valetBinPath function and allow the paths to also be changed to the short username if needed.

  • Changed various diagnose array commands to use the valetBinPath function and the command that has the COMPOSER_GLOBAL_PATH to use the filterPath function.

3.1.2 - 2024-05-17


  • Fixed #11 bug that couldn't find the PHP executable when trying to add the default when installing valet. It would fail to get the PHP when there is a space in the path like c:/Program Files/php/. Wrapping the path in quotes in the underlying cmd command fixes this.

  • Fixed an issue with the diagnose command which was brought up in #11. The command wasn't available if valet wasn't installed, and could never be installed because of the PHP bug above. Fixed this by always having diagnose command available whether valet is installed or not.

3.1.1 - 2024-03-25


  • Aesthetic only - Added the logo as an ASCII art to the namespace command valet; and the valet list command, via extending Silly's Application class.


  • Updated dependencies for Laravel installer to add support for Laravel 11, (PR by @ onecentlin in #10).

3.1.0 - 2024-02-28


  • Added new parity command to get a calculation of the percentage of parity completion against Laravel Valet for macOS.


  • Updated dependencies for Laravel installer to add support for Laravel 10, (PR by @hemant-kr-meena in #8).


  • Fixed #6 PHP 8+ deprecation notice for required parameters declared after optional parameters.

    The notice would only show when the PHP ini error_reporting setting wasn't ignoring deprecation notices, and all reports are enabled, ie. E_ALL. This notice would then be displayed in the terminal on every valet command. Though it doesn't impact valet's functionality, it could potentially be broken in future PHP versions.

    Fixed by:

    • Adding a default null value to the $debug parameter for the optional --debug option of the share command.

    • Removing the default null value from the $key parameter of the optional key argument of the log command. Because the key is used to specify the name of a specific log and omitting the argument will make valet list all the log file names, it doesn't need to have a default value.


  • The install confirmation question of outdated cretueusebiu package. Doesn't affect valet functionality.

3.0.0 - 2023-09-21


  • Added support for multiple PHP services, (Feature PR by @iamroi in cretueusebiu#195).

    • Enables the use of the previously disabled valet use command, to switch the default PHP version used by Valet.
    • Adds new commands php:add, php:remove, php:install, php:uninstall, php:list, xdebug:install, xdebug:uninstall.
  • Added PHP version to the links command output (Patch 1 PR by @damsfx in iamroi#1).

  • Added PHP version to the parked command output, improvements to the Patch 1 above and a new command php:which (Patch 2 by @yCodeTech in #1)

    • Adds default or isolated to the PHP version output, with the latter being coloured green for emphasis in both parked and links commands. This acts as a 2 in 1, showing the PHP version, and determines whether the site is isolated.

    • Adds Alias and Alias URL to the parked command output. If the parked site also has a symbolic link, it's linked name (aka alias) and alias URL will be outputted in the table.

    • Adds new php:which command to determine which PHP version the current working directory or a specified site is using.

    • Changes the output table to vertical for easier reading, using Symfony's setVertical method (only works when Valet is installed on PHP 8.1).

  • Added new isolate and unisolate commands. Isolates the current working directory or a specified site (also specify multiple sites) to a specific PHP version, and removes an isolated site (also unisolate all sites), respectively.

  • Added version_alias to the addPhp function in the Configuration.php file, creating an alias name for the full PHP version, which is then written to the user's Valet config.json. A full PHP version of 8.1.8 will have the alias of 8.1, the alias can then be used in commands.

  • Added PHP's krsort function to the addPhp function in the Configuration.php file, so that the PHP array in the user's Valet config.json is written in a natural decending order that adheres to decimals.

    Natural decending order example:


    This means that when two different patch versions of the same SemVer MAJOR.MINOR version of PHP is added like 8.1.8 and 8.1.18; and then the use command is ran with the alias version like 8.1, then the default will be set to the most recent version of that alias. In this example, it would be 8.1.18.

  • Added isolated command to list all the isolated sites.

  • Added Version Alias to the table output of php:list.

  • Added --isolate option to the link command to optionally isolate the site whilst making it a symbolic link.

  • Added the ability to unsecure a site when a secured linked site is unlinked before removing the site's conf to ensure it's removed from Windows internal certificate store.

  • Added the ability to unisolate a site when an isolated linked site is unlinked, to ensure it removes it properly.

  • Added secured command to list all the secured sites.

  • Added Valet Root CA generation and sign TLS certificates with the CA (PR by @shawkuro in cretueusebiu#179).

  • Added row separators for horizontal tables.

  • Added sites command to list all sites in parked, links and proxies.

  • Added set-ngrok-token to set ngrok authtoken and added a command alias for it: auth.

  • Added --debug option to the share command to prevent the opening of a new CMD window, and allow error messages to be displayed from ngrok for easier debugging. This is needed because ngrok may fail silently by opening a new CMD window and quickly closes it if it encounters an error, so no errors are outputted.

  • Added an --options option to the share command to pass any ngrok options/flags for the ngrok http command, which Valet will pass through to ngrok. Also added a shortcut -o. See the docs for information on how this works.

  • Added sudo command and gsudo files. The new command is to passthru Valet commands to the commandline that need elevated privileges by using gsudo. gsudo is a sudo equivalent for Windows, it requires only 1 UAC popup to enable the elevation and then all commands will be executed as the system instead of having multiple UACs opening.

    Also added an error message for if valet sudo sudo is ran, because you can't sudo the sudo command.

  • Added valetBinPath helper function to find the Valet bin path, and updated all the code to use it.

  • Added a check to see if a site is isolated before unisolating it.

  • Added command example usages to display in the console when using --help.

  • Added a progressbar UI to services function, and install, uninstall, restart, stop commands to improve the UX.

  • Added error output to the getPhpByVersion function to cut down on duplicate error code that relates to the function.

  • Added a sleep for 0.3s (300000 microseconds) in between the uninstall warning and the question to allow the warning be output before the question is outputted. And simplified the if statements.

  • Added a command alias of unpark to the forget command.

  • Added a composer conflict for the old unmaintained cretueusebiu/valet-windows version, just so composer can't install this 3.0 version alongside it.

  • Added parity related additions for proxying.

    • Added --secure option to proxy command.
    • Updated the proxy stub to be the unsecure proxy stub as default.
    • Changed the proxyCreate in Site class to accommodate for the new --secure option.
    • Added new secure.proxy.valet.conf stub for the secure proxy.
    • Changed resecureForNewTld to check for the new secure.proxy stub to ensure it keeps it secured when reinstalling Valet.
    • Added support for proxying multiple sites at once by separating them with commas, in both proxy and unproxy commands.


  • Changed package namespace to yCodeTech.

  • Changed capitalisation from valet to Valet in various outputs and code comments where the don't refer to the commands.

  • Changed the output table to vertical for easier reading on those longer columns, with an optional argument to draw the table horizonally.

  • Renamed the usePhp function to isolate in Site.php file to reflect it's command name.

  • Updated ngrok to the latest version of 3.3.1

  • Moved Valet's version variable out and into it's own separate file for ease.

  • Changed various function return types.

  • Changed output tables SSL columns to Secure for easier understanding.

  • Changed error helper function to throw an exception when specified to do so, and add more meaning to the error output by constructing the error message from the Exception class. This is because sometimes the exception doesn't output the exact error or file names needed in order to debug. So reconstructing the error from the class methods should fix it.

  • Changed the table style to box which outputs solid borders instead of using dashes.

  • Changed the name of the starts_with and ends_with helper functions to str_starts_with and str_ends_with respectively to reflect the PHP 8+ functions.

  • Updated various output texts.

  • Changed the way the secure command was getting the current working directory to use the getSiteURL function instead.

  • Changed various warnings to errors.

  • Changed domain text and variables to site to properly reference the site.

  • Changed text to use the proper capitalisation of Xdebug.

  • Changed the 404 template to be more visually appealing by adding the Valet 3 logo - the logo also acts as a clarification that if the 404 happens we know it's something to do with Valet and nothing else.

  • Changed Xdebug's installation behaviour to no longer install automatically, without specific flag being present. This is because Xdebug is only a PHP debugging service, so if it's not used, then it's wasting a bit of resources.

    • Added an --xdebug option to the commands php:add and install to optionally install Xdebug while installing the PHP or installing Valet respectively.
    • Added an optional phpVersion argument to the commands xdebug:install and xdebug:uninstall to install or uninstall Xdebug for a specfic PHP version. If installing and the version is already installed, ask the user if they want to reinstall it.
    • Added function to check if a supplied PHP version is the alias or not, and a function to get the full PHP version by the alias. Used in PhpCgiXdebug and PhpCgi files.
    • Added a function to check if Xdebug of a specfic PHP version is installed, or if a version isn't supplied then check if any version is installed for the PHP installed in Valet. Used for many of the commands to uninstall if it is installed.
    • Added the service ID to WinSwFactory to allow WinSW functions get the and use the full ID in order to fully check if it's installed. Used in PhpCgiXdebug, PhpCgi, and Nginx files.
    • Changed Xdebug service name.
    • Changed the powershell cli command of the installed function of WinSW file to use the newly added service ID instead of the name. And removed the now unnecessary extra code.
    • Changed various warning outputs to errors.
    • Removed the getPhpCgiName function from PhpCgiXdebug class because the function exists in the parent class and should be used instead, thus removing duplicate code.
    • Fixed xdebug:install, previously, when no PHP version is passed, the command will reinstall Xdebug even if it's already installed without asking the user. Fixed so that it asks just as it does when a PHP version was passed. Changed the output text accordingly.
    • Removed the redundant isInstalledService function in favour of using the installed function of WinSW, as it does exactly the same, thus removing duplicate code.
  • Changed the path argument of php:add to required rather than optional (removed the square brackets).

  • Changed the services function in the Valet.php file to output not installed instead of missing for the Xdebug services, because it's not essential for Valet to run, so it shouldn't be labelled as missing.

  • Replaced the DIRECTORY_SEPARATORs and \\ for / in all paths and using str_replace to replace \\ into /, so there isn't any weird paths like C:\\sites/mysite.

  • Overhauled the diagnose command.

    • Changed Diagnose class to use the progressbar helper function instead of initiating Symfony's ProgressBar class separately.

    • Removed commands not applicable for Windows.

    • Added various other commands that will be necessary to debug.

    • Added a COMPOSER_GLOBAL_PATH constant to the helpers and a getComposerGlobalPath function to the Valet class to be able to get and use the global path of composer in the commands.

    • Fixed the output for composer global diagnose, where it would only output 1 line of an info and no diagnostics. Fixed by outputting it to a file first and then reading the file before removing it.

    • Fixed the output for composer global outdated to format as a HTML table in the output for copy. Additionally, made the terminal output more human readable depending on the command option used.

    • Removed the unnecessary runCommand function, and used the powershell function of the CommandLine class instead. Powershell is used because it has native support for the cat function, which is the alias of Get-Content for getting file contents.

    • Fixed the ability to copy to clipboard.

    • Various changes to output for human readability or because the raw output wasn't good enough or had quirks.

  • Changed log command to use cat alias of the Powershell's Get-Content command instead of the tail command which only works in Git Bash.

    • Also changed the options to that of Powershell's variants -Tail for how many lines and -Wait for following real time output.

    • Swapped around the Valet command's options, and changed various descriptions.

    • Changed the runCommand CommandLine function to allow real time output. The setTimeout is set to 0 to allow it to run for what should be "forever". Though this can't be tested for obvious reasons.

    • Added a boolean param to all the other commandline functions that utilise the aforementioned function, so they can pass along and use the real time output if/when needed.


  • Removed the deprecated PHP PowerShell files.
  • Removed unnecessary/redundant/duplicate code.
  • Removed the --site option from the use command that was added in cretueusebiu#195, in favour of using the isolate command.
  • Removed the deprecated getLinks function in the Site.php file.
  • Removed the deprecated and unnecessary publishParkedNginxConf, runOrDie, should_be_sudo, quietly, quietlyAsUser functions.
  • Removed the unsupported trust command.
  • Removed the hardcoded ngrok options from the share command in favour of the new --options option.
  • Removed the echo from the trustCa function that was in the PR code from cretueusebiu#179
  • Removed various outputs to fully streamline the progressbar UI and prevent multiple progressbars in the output because of multiple infos interrupting it.
  • Removed the ability to download PHP via an internal PowerShell script (php.ps1), because keeping it updated with the current versions of PHP and deprecating it's ancestor versions is impractical. Deleted the file and all related PHP .inis.
  • Removed and deleted the unused and outdated tests, .dockerignore, phpunit.xml config files, and the related composer dependencies and scripts.
  • Removed the deprecated and unused legacy home path code, inline with the Mac version.
  • Removed the obsolete domain alias for tld command.


  • Fixed securing sites with an SSL/TLS certificate, both normally and when proxies are added by adding the localhost IP address to the Nginx conf listen directives. (PR by @RohanSakhale in cretueusebiu#208).

  • Fixed a bug where sometimes the link won't be unlinked under certain conditions. In accordance with official PHP guidelines of the unlink() function, the function rmdir() fixes this issue to remove symlink directories.

    From PHP unlink() docs:

    If the file is a symlink, the symlink will be deleted. On Windows, to delete a symlink to a directory, rmdir() has to be used instead.

  • Fixed Nginx lint function to properly check the confs for errors.

  • Fixed filesystem copy function to use the @ operator to suppress pr-error messages that occur in PHP internally. And added an inline error function if copy fails. We do this, so that we can construct proper meaningful error output for debugging.

  • Partial fix for a possible bug where if a site is using a framework that sets a site URL environment variable in a .env file such as the WP_HOME for Laravel Bedrock, then when trying to request the site and the TLD is different from the one set in Valet, then the site automatically redirects to use the URL from the environment variable. This ends in Valet returning a 404 error, because as far as Valet is concerned it's not valid site. This then results in the response being cached by the browser and keeps requesting the cached version of the site even if the TLD has been changed to match.

    Example: WP_HOME='http://mySite.test', Valet is set to use the dev TLD and gets a request to, the site will auto redirect to http://mySite.test. 404 Not Found error appears. The response from http://mySite.test is cached by browsers. Valet is changed to use test TLD, and gets a request for http://mySite.test. The previously cached error response is served.

    This partial fix adds no cache headers to Nginx configuration files to try and prevent the browsers caching sites at all.

  • Fixed services command to correctly loop through and check all PHP services.

  • Fixed fetch-share-url command by:

    • Replacing the outdated nategood/httpful composer dependency with guzzlehttp/guzzle for REST API requests to get the current ngrok tunnel public URL, and copy it to the clipboard.
    • Changing the findHttpTunnelUrl function to use array bracket notation.
    • Changing the domain argument to site to properly reference the site without getting confused with the ngrok --domain.
    • Added a command alias: url.
  • Fixed on-latest-version command to use Guzzle and added a new composer dependency composer/ca-bundle to find and use the TLS CA bundle in order to verify the TLS/SSL certificate of the requesting website/API. Otherwise, Guzzle spits out a cURL error. (Thanks to this StackOverflow Answer.)

    Also added a command alias: latest.

  • Fixed ngrok command to accept options/flags, using the new --options option. See the docs for information on how this works.

  • Fixed php:remove command to enable it to remove PHP by specifying it's version; by adding a phpVersion argument and changing the path argument to an option (--path), making phpVersion the main way to remove instead.

  • Fixed start command by removing the whole functionality and utilise Silly's runCommand to run the restart command instead, so they're effectively sharing the same function. This is because it was unnecessary duplicated code.

  • Fixed lack of output colouring when using PHP passthru function by adding a 3rd party binary, Ansicon, along with a new class with install/uninstall functions and added the function calls to the Valet install/uninstall commands respectively.

    For whatever reason, the passthru function loses the output colourings, therefore the visual meaning is lost. What Ansicon does is injects code into the active and new terminals to ensure ANSI escape sequences (that are interpreted from the HTML-like tags <fg=red></>) are correctly rendered.

  • Fixed a bug where a non-secured isolated site's server port was being replaced with the PHP port and was being served with the default server instead of the isolated server.

    So instead of the usual port 80: in the site's isolated config file, nginx was actually listening for the site on port 9002:, which is the port where PHP 7.4 was configured to be hosted. This confused nginx because it couldn't find port 80 in the site's config file, so it used the default server instead, in which the default PHP version was set as 8.1 on the port 9001, and thus serving the site under the wrong PHP version.

    Fixed by removing the preg_replace in the replacePhpVersionInSiteConf function of the Site class. (This doesn't affect the PHP isolation and still works as intended.)

  • Fixed an oversight while changing the TLD by allowing isolated sites TLD to be changed. Previously, if there is an isolated site, changing the TLD wouldn't change the isolated site's conf file, thus leaving it as the old TLD. This fix adds a reisolateForNewTld function to unisolate the old TLD site and reisolate the new TLD site. Also works for sites that are both isolated and secured.

  • Fixed unlink command to properly get the site from the current working directory if no name was supplied, by using the previously private, now public getLinkNameByCurrentDir() function. Also changed the error message in the latter function to include the multiple linked names.

  • Fixed stop function of the PhpCgi class to only stop the PHP CGI or PHP CGI Xdebug if it's installed.

    This prevents errors occurring when uninstalling Valet. It would try to stop Xdebug services for all PHP versions available to Valet, even though all Xdebug services may not be installed.

  • Fixed unsecure --all to exit the script if there are no sites to unsecure, otherwise nginx would still run afterwards, which is not needed.

  • Fixed uninstall command to only unsecure sites if they are any secured sites. Also prevented the unsecureAll function from exiting the script if the call came from uninstall. Also added an option shortcut -p for --purge-config.

  • Fixed install command to detect if Valet is already installed. Checks the services to see if they are running, if they are, Valet will ask a question whether to reinstall Valet or not. Also changed services function (which this fix uses) to disable the progressbar when it's called from install.

  • Fixed the Xdebug failed to restart error in the restart function of the PhpCgi class (of which PhpCgiXdebug class shares) by adding a check to see if the Xdebug service is installed, it will only restart the service if it's installed.

    This is because previously, if there is a version of Xdebug installed and other versions of PHP didn't have their corresponding Xdebug installed, and the restart function is ran, Valet would then spit out an error in complaint of the Xdebug PHP version failing to restart, because it's not installed.

  • Fixed the default PHP configuration on install, by allowing Valet to only set the default PHP if they key doesn't exist or if it's null.

    This is because previously, upon installing Valet, if the config file already exists with a default PHP set, Valet will always reset the default no matter what, even if Valet is set to use a version other than the version it finds from the where php CMD command, which gets it from Windows PATH (eg. default in config: 7.4.33, Valet finds: 8.1.8; Valet resets the default back to 8.1.8).

    • Also fixed a bug in relation to this flaw... When adding the default PHP, Valet would sometimes fail to get the PHP path because of the inconsistent capitalisation of the drive letter in the PHP path. If the path's drive letter is a lowercase, it would fail because of the strict comparison between the former and Valet's retrieval of the uppercase letter from where php (eg. config: c:/php/8.1; Valet retrieves: C:/php/8.1).

    Therefore, the comparison returns null and sets the default as null. Then further installation scripts would stop because of the Cannot find PHP [null] in the list error.

    Valet will now convert the drive letter to a lowercase via the native lcfirst PHP function in both addDefaultPhp function of Configuration class and in the php:add command. So now the default PHP should never be null.

  • Fixed #3 where upon a fresh installation of Valet with no config.json, it would try to read the config even if it's not yet created and spits out an "Failed to open stream: No such file" error. Fixed by adding a check to see if the file exists in the read function of the Configuration class (fix PR by @hemant-kr-meena in #4).

For previous versions prior to this repository, please see cretueusebiu/valet-windows, of which this is an indirect fork of.