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Squid Ink! project

A Squid project to process Substrate pallet-contracts data and serve it through GraphQL with a dedicated model tailored for contracts.

It has been extended with capabilities to configure and spin up a new processor for different chains in the same project. Note that this is different from running a multi-chain processor as defined by Subsquid since Squid-ink stores the data model for different chains in different databases while the Subsquid multi-chain processor stores the data of all chains in the same database.

Squid-ink is using the latest Fire Squid version of Subsquid.



  • node 16.x
  • docker


Docker Images

You can find out published the published Docker images at Epirus Substrate registry.

Running a Server

Example docker-compose.yml for Rococo Canvas

version: "3.5"

x-environment: &envs
  CHAIN: rococo
  PROCESSOR_NAME: squid-rococo
  DB_NAME: squid
  DB_HOST: db
  DB_PASS: squid
  DB_PORT: 5432
  GQL_PORT: 4000

    container_name: squid-db
    image: postgres:15
    restart: on-failure
      - /var/lib/postgresql/data
      - "${DB_PORT}:5432"

    container_name: processor
    image: squid-local:0.0.15
    environment: *envs
    command: sh -c "(npx squid-typeorm-migration generate); sleep 5 && npx sqd process"
      - squid-db

    container_name: query
    image: squid-local:0.0.15
    restart: on-failure
    environment: *envs
      - "4351:4350"
      - "5005:5000"
      - processor
      - squid-db

Bootstrapping the Database

Before you running the service you need to create the initial database model. At this moment the migrations are not pushed neither in the git repository nor the image.

Start squid DB

sqd up

Generate DB schema (If it hasn't been created before)

sqd migration:generate

Apply DB schema

sqd migration:apply


To run the unit tests, use the command

npm test

To generate a test coverage report, execute

npm run test:coverage


Project Setup

Install Squid CLI

npm i -g @subsquid/cli@latest


brew tap subsquid/cli
brew install sqd

Generate data models

sqd codegen

Squid Archive

The Squid processor extracts block, extrinsic and event data from a Squid Archive to perform transformation and storage. As such, a Squid Archive endpoint is always required when running the processor. Subsquid provides Archive endpoints for a myriad of Substrate chains and parachains which can be found in the archive-registry. If the archive registry does not contain endpoints for the chain to index, the Squid Archive can be run locally.

Run local Squid Archive

The ./archive folder contains an example docker-compose.yml file for running a Squid archive. Multiple node websocket endpoints can be specified in the command section of the ingest service to speed up processing.

To run the archive locally

docker compose -f archive/docker-compose.yml up

Inspect your archive at http://localhost:8888. Run the processor with

  archive: `http://localhost:8888/graphql`,
  chain: // your network endpoint here

To drop the archive, run

docker compose -f archive/docker-compose.yml down -v

Configuring the processor for a new chain

The following steps are required when adding a new chain to the project:

1. Generate TypeScript definitions for substrate events and calls

Update the typegen.json file to update the outDir, specVersions and typesBundle fields.

  "outDir": "src/chains/<your-chain-name>/types", // the directory where the type-safe wrappers are stored
  "specVersions": "http://localhost:8888/graphql", // Fire Squid archive endpoint
  "typesBundle": "<yourTypesBundle>.json", // see types bundle section below
  "events": [ // list of events to generate.
  "calls": [ // list of calls to generate
  "storage": [
    "System.Account" // list of storage items. To generate wrappers for all storage items, set "storage": true

Run the squid-substrate-typegen command (Fire Squid archive needs to be running)

npx squid-substrate-typegen typegen.json

2. Create normalised types for your chain

Since each chain has different versions, and possibly, types, the wrappers generated in the above step is specific to the chain. We need to normalise the calls, events and storage types in order for the handlers in the processor to be able to run agnostically. An example of how type normalisation should be done can be found in the src/chains/local folder.

3. Add chain configuration

Add the properties of your chain to the chainConfig object in chain-config.ts.

4. Add .env file

A .env file is required per chain. It is recommended to name it as .env.<chain-name>. The .env file serves as an example.

5. Run the processor

  1. Build the project
npm ci
  1. Build squid files
sqd build
  1. Start squid DB
sqd up
  1. Generate DB schema (If it hasn't been created before)
sqd migration:generate
  1. Start squid process (should begin to ingest blocks)
sqd process 
  1. To start the graphql server open the separate terminal and run
sqd serve

Types bundle

Substrate chains which have blocks with metadata versions below 14 don't provide enough information to decode their data. For those chains external type definitions are required.

Type definitions (typesBundle) can be given to squid tools in two forms:

  1. as a name of a known chain (currently only kusama)
  2. as a json file of a structure described below.
  "types": {
    "AccountId": "[u8; 32]"
  "typesAlias": {
    "assets": {
      "Balance": "u64"
  "versions": [
      "minmax": [0, 1000], // block range with inclusive boundaries
      "types": {
        "AccountId": "[u8; 16]"
      "typesAlias": {
        "assets": {
          "Balance": "u32"

All fields in types bundle are optional and applied on top of a fixed set of well known frame types.