Beaker library to use docker hypervisor
- How to use this wizardry
- Working with
- Generating a Dockerfile
- Spec tests
- Acceptance tests
- Transfer Notice
- License
- Release Information
This gem that allows you to use hosts with docker hypervisor with beaker.
Beaker will automatically load the appropriate hypervisors for any given hosts
file, so as long as your project dependencies are satisfied there's nothing else
to do. No need to require
this library in your tests.
In order to use a specific hypervisor or DSL extension library in your project, you will need to include them alongside Beaker in your Gemfile or project.gemspec. E.g.
# Gemfile
gem 'beaker', '~> 4.0'
gem 'beaker-docker'
# project.gemspec
s.add_runtime_dependency 'beaker', '~> 4.0'
s.add_runtime_dependency 'beaker-docker'
The following is a sample nodeset:
platform: el-8-x86_64
hypervisor: docker
image: centos:8
docker_cmd: '["/sbin/init"]'
# Run arbitrary things
- 'touch /tmp/myfile'
thing: 'stuff'
Privileged: true
platform: el-7-x86_64
hypervisor: docker
image: centos:7
# EL7 images do not support nested systemd
docker_cmd: '/usr/sbin/sshd -D -E /var/log/sshd.log'
Containers are run in privileged mode by default unless capabilities are set.
If you wish to disable privileged mode, simply set the following in your node:
Privileged: false
Containers created by this plugin may not be destroyed unless the tests complete
successfully. Each container created is prefixed by beaker-
to make filtering
for clean up easier.
A quick way to clean up all nodes is as follows:
podman rm -f $( podman ps -q -f name="beaker-*" )
If you're using a version of podman
that has API socket support then you
should be able to simply set DOCKER_HOST
to your socket and connect as usual.
You also need to ensure that you're using a version of the docker-api
gem that
supports podman
You may find that not all of your tests work as expected. This will be due to
the tighter system restrictions placed on containers by podman
. You may need
to edit the dockeropts
hash in your nodeset to include different flags in the
See the HostConfig portion of the docker API for more information.
Usually beaker-docker is used to provision docker instances with beaker. During this step beaker-docker generates a Dockerfile and posts it to the docker daemon API.
There's also a small CLI command to only generate the file:
bundle exec beaker-docker dockerfile archlinux-64
Will generate a local Dockerfile
FROM archlinux/archlinux
ENV container docker
RUN pacman --sync --refresh --noconfirm archlinux-keyring && pacman --sync --refresh --noconfirm --sysupgrade && pacman --sync --noconfirm curl ntp net-tools openssh && ssh-keygen -A && sed -ri 's/^#?UsePAM .*/UsePAM no/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config && systemctl enable sshd
RUN mkdir -p /var/run/sshd && echo root:root | chpasswd
RUN sed -ri -e 's/^#?PermitRootLogin .*/PermitRootLogin yes/' -e 's/^#?PasswordAuthentication .*/PasswordAuthentication yes/' -e 's/^#?UseDNS .*/UseDNS no/' -e 's/^#?MaxAuthTries.*/MaxAuthTries 1000/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
CMD ["/sbin/init"]
This works by calling (beaker-hostgenerator]( So you can provide any host string that's supported by beaker-hostgenerator.
For non-rolling release distros this is usually $os$majorversion-$architecture
beaker-docker dockerfile centos9-64
ENV container docker
RUN dnf clean all && dnf install -y sudo openssh-server openssh-clients chrony && ssh-keygen -A && sed 's@session *required * optional' -i /etc/pam.d/*
RUN mkdir -p /var/run/sshd && echo root:root | chpasswd
RUN sed -ri -e 's/^#?PermitRootLogin .*/PermitRootLogin yes/' -e 's/^#?PasswordAuthentication .*/PasswordAuthentication yes/' -e 's/^#?UseDNS .*/UseDNS no/' -e 's/^#?MaxAuthTries.*/MaxAuthTries 1000/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config
RUN cp /bin/true /sbin/agetty
RUN dnf install -y cronie crontabs initscripts iproute openssl wget which glibc-langpack-en hostname
CMD ["/sbin/init"]
This requires a running docker daemon. You can also request a containerfile.
This will currently generate a Containerfile
but with the same content (this
may change in the future, depending on the API spec).
Spec test live under the spec
folder. There are the default rake task and therefore can run with a simple command:
bundle exec rake test:spec
There is a simple rake task to invoke acceptance test for the library:
bundle exec rake test:acceptance
This plugin was originally authored by Puppet Inc. The maintainer preferred that Puppet Community take ownership of the module for future improvement and maintenance. Existing pull requests and issues were transferred over, please fork and continue to contribute here.
This gem is licensed under the Apache-2 license.
To make a new release, please do:
- update the version in
- Install gems with
bundle install --with release --path .vendor
- generate the changelog with
bundle exec rake changelog
- Check if the new version matches the closed issues/PRs in the changelog
- Create a PR with it
- After it got merged, push a tag. GitHub actions will do the actual release to rubygems and GitHub Packages