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A Compilation of On-line Open-Source-Related Resources

This is a collection of links to on-line resources related to open source. It is organized by topic to the extent that this is possible, as sometimes a website may be placed into multiple categories. This is by no means a thorough list; it is intended to include those that are either important or provide many services and resources for those interested in all things open source.


Open Source Supporting Institutions and Organizations

These websites are the landing pages of important organizations that have been supporting the Open Source movement, or that provide useful resources such as tutorials, guides, links to other resources, and so on.

  • publishes stories about creating, adopting, and sharing open source solutions. It provides many resources for and about open source and the "open source way", as well as various other useful resources. The open source way is about applying the principles of open source software development beyond software.

  • is the website for the Open Source Initiative (OSI), which is a non-profit corporation with global scope created to educate about and advocate for the benefits of open source and to build bridges among different constituencies in the open source community. It has many valuable resources on its website.

  • is the website of OpenHatch, a non-profit organization whose goal is to lower the barriers to entry into the open source community and increase its diversity. As they put it, they are "dedicated to matching prospective free software contributors with communities, tools, and education. " CAVEAT: This website is not being supported at present, so the data might be stale.

  • is the website of OpenHub. It collects metadata about open source projects. It is a great resource for researching open source projects. As the website states, it is to "Discover, Track and Compare Open Source"

  • is the website of the Free Software Foundation. The Free Software Foundation (FSF) is a non-profit organization founded by Richard Stallman in 1985 to support the free software movement, which promotes the universal freedom to study, distribute, create, and modify computer software. The FSF sponsors the GNU project and publishes the many different forms of the GNU General Public License. It also maintains the Free Software Definition.

  • is the website of the Software Freedom Conservancy (SFC), which is a non-profit charity that helps promote, improve, develop, and defend Free, Libre, and Open Source Software (FLOSS) projects. Some of the major projects supported by the SFC are Boost, Git, GoDot, HomeBrew, and Sugar Labs.

  • is the website of the Mozilla Foundation, a non-profit organization that is the sole shareholder in the Mozilla Corporation, the maker of Firefox and other open source tools. Mozilla is involved in many initiatives to keep the Internet free and open.

  • is the website of the Linux Foundation, which is "dedicated to building sustainable ecosystems around open source projects to accelerate technology development and industry adoption."

  • is the U.S. Government's portal to the open source projects maintained by the federal government. As they put it, it "leverages the power of code sharing and collaboration to help the U.S. Government cut down on duplicative software development and save millions of taxpayer dollars for the American people."

  • U.S. Open Government Directive is the directive issued by President Obama to create more transparency in the United States Government. Each agency of the Executive branch has an Open Government Initiative or Plan.

Websites Providing Definitions, Commentary, and General Information About Open Source

This is a collection of links to websites that explain basic concepts, answer the most important questions, debunk myths, and give context to the Open Source Movement.

  • OSI's Open Source Definition is the definition of open source as seen by OSI.

  • FSF's Free Software Definition is the definition of free software, which is different than the OSI open software definition. The Free Software Foundation, founded by Richard Stallman in 1985, has a very precise notion of free software. In short, it views open source as a development methodology, whereas it views free software as a social movement.

  • Debian's Social Contract contains the set of guidelines used by Debian, the producers of the Debian operating system, to determine whether a software work is free. The page also contains Debian's social contract, a commitment by Debian to its users.

  • Frequently Asked Questions is a collection of answers from OSI to questions covering the general topics of the basics of Open Source, distributing and using Open Source software, and the commercial aspects of Open Source.

  • 10 things you should know about open source before you use it debunks many myths surrounding open source. It is good reading for anyone who thinks they know everything they need to know about open source.

  • open source way, explained is a brief explanation of the concept of open-ness beyond software.

  • Lightning talk by Eric Schabell is a short YouTube video in which he explains how to jump start a career in open source. There as a very important message in this talk, which most people need to hear (and which I will not reveal.)

  • What is Open Source, and Why Should You Care? is a YouTube video in which Kevin Fleming gives a brief history of open source software, and talks about open source beyond software, and various ways that students can get involved in open source projects to develop useful and marketable skills.

  • Doing your civic duty is an article by Tee Morris, who is the Communications Chief for, the nation’s primary platform for sharing and improving government software. In this article he urges us all to take ownership of the software that runs things in this country, i.e., to work with open source software that belongs to you.

  •'s explanation of Open Source Software answers the question, "What is open source?" as well as related questions.

  • Mozilla's Explanation of Open Source is an inspiring YouTube video.

  • Intel Software's Explanation of Open Source is a YouTube video from Intel explaining open source in very simple terms.

  • TED talk by Richard Stallman on Free Software is a YouTube video of a TED talk by Richard Stallman, in which you can listen to Stallman's passion for what he does and what he created. No one can say that understand open source unless they have heard him speak.

  • Richard Stallman's Critique of Open Source is what you need to read to understand how the FSF differs in ideology and mission from the OSI and the Open Source Movement in general.

  • Summary of TED Interview with Linus Torvalds is a synopsis of what Linus Torvalds (the original creator of Linux) had to say about open source software. You will be surprised.

  • How Not to Fail is a YouTube video of a presentation by Tom Callaway of RedHat at SoutheEast LinuxFest in which he discusses what one should and should not do in order for open source software projects to succeed.

  • The Personalities of Open Source is an interesting article that ponders the question, "Do open source projects attract a certain type of personality?"

History of Open Source and the Free Software Movement

These links are to articles about the history of open source and/or free software movement.

The Business of Open Source

How is money made in the world of open source? Many people think that open source, as an idea, is antithetical to the idea of making money. These articles are about commerce and open source.

Open Source Stories and Projects

These are selected websites that contain stories about open source projects, not necessarily software.

Intellectual Property Rights and License

These are selected articles and talks about intellectual property rights and licenses.

Contributing to Open Source Projects

These are links to websites with advice about how to contribute to software projects, to websites that describe open source communities, and to websites that are related in general to the act of contributing.

Links to Tutorials, Resources, and Other Help In Using Open Source-Related Tools

These are links to tutorials, technical information, and resources related to practical things like version control systems, markdown, and so on.


Git Resources

Unix/Linux Resources

  • Bash Reference Manual is the GNU reference manual for bash. If you need details about things, or want to learn more, this is a good place to browse.

  • Bash Cheat Sheet is a very simple cheat sheet for people who know almost no basic bash.

  • Linux Scripting Tutorial is a tututorial on writing bash scripts in Linux.

IRC Resources