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Fotomac edited this page Aug 30, 2024 · 2 revisions

Do you want to add the FireRed translations of the Japanese Red and Green Dex entries, but feel constrained by the two-screen limit? It's actually simple to expand that limit. All you need to do is go to engine/menus/pokedex.asm and edit the following code approximately 100 lines from the bottom:

        inc hl ; hl = address of pokedex description text
	bccoord 1, 11
-	ld a, %10
+       ld a, %11
	ldh [hClearLetterPrintingDelayFlags], a
	call TextCommandProcessor ; print pokedex description text
	xor a
	ldh [hClearLetterPrintingDelayFlags], a

And that should be it! With this small edit, the Pokédex now has room for all the Dex entries seen in both FireRed and LeafGreen. For an example of how to add the entries using this expanded format, edit the following code in data/pokemon/dex_text.asm:

	text "A strange seed was"
	next "planted on its"
	next "back at birth."

	page "The plant sprouts"
	next "and grows with"
	next "this #MON"
+	text "There is a plant"
+	next "seed on its back"
+	next "right from the day"
+	page "this #MON is"
+	next "born."
+	next ""
+	page "The seed slowly"
+	next "grows larger"
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