This tutorial assumes a basic familiarity with Ruby on Rails, the UNIX or OS X command line, and that you have at least deployed an application to a service such as Heroku.
Please download this sample Rails application - this is the application we will configure and deploy.
You will also need an Ubuntu 14.04 Virtual Machine, see the next section for information on how to get one.
My favorite way to run a local VM is using Vagrant and Virtual Box
Follow the Vagrant setup and installation instructions located here
After you have familiarized yourself with Vagrant following those instructions, create a new directory for this tutorial
mkdir ops_for_developers
The navigate into that directory.
cd ops_for_developers
Once there, create a new Vagrant file - this time for an Ubuntu 14.04 server
vagrant init ubuntu/trusty64
Then start your new virtual server. The first time you run this command it will take a little bit and you will see lots of output.
vagrant up
Once this is complete, ssh into your new virtual server with
vagrant ssh
TODO - Add instructions for obtaining and AWS VM, Azure VM, etc.