- Fixed the bug where map would not render completely in Grafana v6.3.X
- Fixed issue with
in threshold legend mode
- Updated
to fix issues in Grafana v6 - Fixed issue with map rendering in Grafana v6
- Added max bounds to logical map.
- Added ability to use floating point thresholds.
- Added ability to select color for links that are down.
- Fixed the link hover to show up only when hovered over the links.
- Fixed the issue where all the endpoints would not render on both sides of the prime meridian.
- Fixed the issue where endpoints color would still show default color even when there's data.
- Added support for changing default coloring on nodes.
- Added new Orange to Blue legend color scale.
- Minor stylistic changes to legend.
- Fixed issue where readme is empty when the panel is installed on grafana
- Fixed issue where hover on far right side and far bottom side of the page was being cut off
- Added a Save & Exit option in the JSON Editor.
- Added the ability to zoom in smaller steps of 0.25.
- Added the ability to specify size for each layer in the editor
- Added the ability to scale the size of individual node markers by a multiplier when specified in the map source.
- Added the ability to use a different "shape" for node markers when specified in the map source (square, diamond, triangle, circle).
- Added the ability to add a "label" above node markers when specified in the map source.
- Adjusted legend text to be more readable.
- Fixed zooming and panning issues for both logical and geographic maps.
- Fixed issue where map bounds were being set incorrectly when switching logical map on/off.
- Fixed issue causing the tooltip to render when not hovering over a node or link.
- Fixed issue where tooltip was missing variables for current link usage ($input.now & $output.now).
- Fixed issue where adding initial JSON data for a layer in the JSON Editor would fail to save.
- Logical Map feature
- Twin Tubes feature
- Bug Fix for maxBounds being always set in logical maps
- All new modal JSON editor that uses Grafana’s code-editor directive to provide better editing capabilities
- Adding ability to allow circuits without endpoints in the map source JSON
- Disabling invert legend feature for threshold legend
- Updating UI elements for the map editor
- Repository restructure according to Grafana conventions
- Updated Documentation
- Added JSON Editor to edit the map topology JSON
- Ability to load topology directly from JSON
- Cleaned up map editor UI
- Added Opacity scale, Log Scale and Invert legend features
- Ability to visualize node data, hover box for node, custom hover box template editor for node
- Ability to specify labels for endpoints in the map source topology JSON
- Updated options tab in the map editor
- Added brand new threshold legend feature
- Ability to select custom color scheme (Spectrum) for adjacency links using the new color picker
- Ability to customize the hover box using the hover box template editor
- Fixing +/- button behavior in the map editor
- Removing default map tile url
- Fixing legend preview for Firefox
- Adding a scale factor option
- Fixed other minor bugs
- Updating the map automatically without having to save and reload the dashboard
- Added new metrics - Sum, and Count
- Ability to choose link color based on Min/Max/Average/Current values
- Ability to hide circuits with no values
- Code cleanup
- Ability to toggle built in color schemes (NEXRAD, Arebow, Candy, Colorblind Gradient)
- Disabled scroll wheel zoom
- Aligned legend to bottom left of the map
- Fixed the map to be container specific
- Initial release
- Hover box for links
- Fixed arrow directions