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Megan Taylor edited this page Jan 8, 2014 · 6 revisions
  • park slope farmers' market doesn't highlight when clicked - problems with apostrophe?
  • some way to tell which pin corresponds to which market without clicking on pin (colors?)
  • why ask for location permission every time? (browser issue? maybe can't fix?)
  • move all code into anonymous function - don't pollute global scope (function() { //code goes here })();
  • move "1610" distance into a variable so it is easier to change later
  • look into javascript async libraries for calling multiple URLs and combining results
  • Distance from current location: XX mi
  • Products available
  • Better website links
  • Detect whether a market is open or closed at time of search
  • Prioritize order of markets based on distance and open/closed
  • local storage or cache
  • still working on footer interaction
  • still working on sort-of static map positioning
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