diff --git a/ui/src/translations/de.json b/ui/src/translations/de.json index 200c48ee31..b0794ef914 100644 --- a/ui/src/translations/de.json +++ b/ui/src/translations/de.json @@ -828,6 +828,17 @@ "webhook link copied": "Webhook-Link kopiert.", "copy url": "URL kopieren", "scheduleDate": "Geplantes Datum", - "trigger_check_warning": "Warnung: Verwendung der `trigger`-Variable erkannt, das manuelle Ausführen Ihres Flows wird die trigger-Variable nicht erfüllen." + "trigger_check_warning": "Warnung: Verwendung der `trigger`-Variable erkannt, das manuelle Ausführen Ihres Flows wird die trigger-Variable nicht erfüllen.", + "dashboard": { + "per_namespace": "(pro Namespace)", + "id": "ID", + "per_day": "(pro Tag)", + "total_executions": "Gesamte Ausführungen", + "success_ratio": "Erfolgsquote", + "next_scheduled_executions": "Nächste geplante Ausführungen", + "executions_in_progress": "Ausführungen in Bearbeitung", + "next_execution_date": "Nächstes Ausführungsdatum", + "failure_ratio": "Fehlerrate" + } } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ui/src/translations/es.json b/ui/src/translations/es.json index 3781987f22..9be046c2b4 100644 --- a/ui/src/translations/es.json +++ b/ui/src/translations/es.json @@ -828,6 +828,17 @@ "webhook link copied": "Enlace de Webhook copiado.", "copy url": "Copiar URL", "scheduleDate": "Fecha de programación", - "trigger_check_warning": "Advertencia: Se detectó el uso de la variable `trigger`, ejecutar tu flow manualmente no cumplirá con la variable trigger." + "trigger_check_warning": "Advertencia: Se detectó el uso de la variable `trigger`, ejecutar tu flow manualmente no cumplirá con la variable trigger.", + "dashboard": { + "per_namespace": "(per namespace)", + "id": "ID", + "per_day": "(por día)", + "total_executions": "Total de Ejecuciones", + "success_ratio": "Ratio de Éxito", + "next_scheduled_executions": "Próximas Ejecuciones Programadas", + "executions_in_progress": "Ejecuciones en Progreso", + "next_execution_date": "Próxima Fecha de Ejecución", + "failure_ratio": "Ratio de Fallos" + } } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ui/src/translations/fr.json b/ui/src/translations/fr.json index 83612b0154..3ad120f56b 100644 --- a/ui/src/translations/fr.json +++ b/ui/src/translations/fr.json @@ -827,6 +827,17 @@ "webhook link copied": "Lien du webhook copié.", "copy url": "Copier l'URL", "scheduleDate": "Date de planification", - "trigger_check_warning": "Avertissement : Utilisation de la variable `trigger` détectée, l'exécution manuelle de votre flow ne remplira pas la variable trigger." + "trigger_check_warning": "Avertissement : Utilisation de la variable `trigger` détectée, l'exécution manuelle de votre flow ne remplira pas la variable trigger.", + "dashboard": { + "per_namespace": "(par namespace)", + "id": "ID", + "per_day": "(par jour)", + "total_executions": "Total des exécutions", + "success_ratio": "Ratio de succès", + "next_scheduled_executions": "Prochaines Exécutions Planifiées", + "executions_in_progress": "Exécutions en cours", + "next_execution_date": "Prochaine Date d'Exécution", + "failure_ratio": "Ratio d'échec" + } } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ui/src/translations/hi.json b/ui/src/translations/hi.json index 56aa28a585..032824b948 100644 --- a/ui/src/translations/hi.json +++ b/ui/src/translations/hi.json @@ -828,6 +828,17 @@ "webhook link copied": "Webhook लिंक कॉपी किया गया।", "copy url": "URL कॉपी करें", "scheduleDate": "अनुसूची तिथि", - "trigger_check_warning": "चेतावनी: `trigger` वेरिएबल का उपयोग पाया गया है, आपके flow को मैन्युअली निष्पादित करने से trigger वेरिएबल पूरा नहीं होगा।" + "trigger_check_warning": "चेतावनी: `trigger` वेरिएबल का उपयोग पाया गया है, आपके flow को मैन्युअली निष्पादित करने से trigger वेरिएबल पूरा नहीं होगा।", + "dashboard": { + "per_namespace": "(प्रति namespace)", + "id": "आईडी", + "per_day": "(प्रति दिन)", + "total_executions": "कुल Executions", + "success_ratio": "सफलता अनुपात", + "next_scheduled_executions": "अगली निर्धारित Executions", + "executions_in_progress": "प्रगति में Executions", + "next_execution_date": "अगली Execution Date", + "failure_ratio": "विफलता अनुपात" + } } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ui/src/translations/it.json b/ui/src/translations/it.json index 7cdb8dd482..a5053709d4 100644 --- a/ui/src/translations/it.json +++ b/ui/src/translations/it.json @@ -828,6 +828,17 @@ "webhook link copied": "Link del Webhook copiato.", "copy url": "Copia URL", "scheduleDate": "Data di pianificazione", - "trigger_check_warning": "Avviso: Rilevato l'uso della variabile `trigger`, l'esecuzione manuale del tuo flow non soddisferà la variabile trigger." + "trigger_check_warning": "Avviso: Rilevato l'uso della variabile `trigger`, l'esecuzione manuale del tuo flow non soddisferà la variabile trigger.", + "dashboard": { + "per_namespace": "(per namespace)", + "id": "ID", + "per_day": "(al giorno)", + "total_executions": "Esecuzioni Totali", + "success_ratio": "Rapporto di Successo", + "next_scheduled_executions": "Prossime Esecuzioni Pianificate", + "executions_in_progress": "Esecuzioni In Corso", + "next_execution_date": "Prossima Data di Esecuzione", + "failure_ratio": "Rapporto di Failure" + } } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ui/src/translations/ja.json b/ui/src/translations/ja.json index 7d72fe40cd..70db5c55b9 100644 --- a/ui/src/translations/ja.json +++ b/ui/src/translations/ja.json @@ -828,6 +828,17 @@ "webhook link copied": "Webhookリンクがコピーされました。", "copy url": "URLをコピー", "scheduleDate": "スケジュール日付", - "trigger_check_warning": "警告: `trigger`変数の使用が検出されました。フローを手動で実行しても、trigger変数は満たされません。" + "trigger_check_warning": "警告: `trigger`変数の使用が検出されました。フローを手動で実行しても、trigger変数は満たされません。", + "dashboard": { + "per_namespace": "(namespaceごと)", + "id": "ID", + "per_day": "(日ごと)", + "total_executions": "総実行数", + "success_ratio": "成功率", + "next_scheduled_executions": "次回予定実行", + "executions_in_progress": "進行中のExecutions", + "next_execution_date": "次回実行日", + "failure_ratio": "失敗率" + } } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ui/src/translations/ko.json b/ui/src/translations/ko.json index f43c970a6d..41b36ed2e9 100644 --- a/ui/src/translations/ko.json +++ b/ui/src/translations/ko.json @@ -828,6 +828,17 @@ "webhook link copied": "웹훅 링크가 복사되었습니다.", "copy url": "URL 복사", "scheduleDate": "일정 날짜", - "trigger_check_warning": "경고: `trigger` 변수가 감지되었습니다. flow를 수동으로 실행해도 trigger 변수를 충족하지 않습니다." + "trigger_check_warning": "경고: `trigger` 변수가 감지되었습니다. flow를 수동으로 실행해도 trigger 변수를 충족하지 않습니다.", + "dashboard": { + "per_namespace": "(네임스페이스별)", + "id": "ID", + "per_day": "(하루당)", + "total_executions": "총 실행 횟수", + "success_ratio": "성공 비율", + "next_scheduled_executions": "다음 예정된 실행", + "executions_in_progress": "진행 중인 실행", + "next_execution_date": "다음 실행 날짜", + "failure_ratio": "실패 비율" + } } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ui/src/translations/pl.json b/ui/src/translations/pl.json index 6271043cc3..af9c29fa5c 100644 --- a/ui/src/translations/pl.json +++ b/ui/src/translations/pl.json @@ -828,6 +828,17 @@ "webhook link copied": "Link Webhook skopiowany.", "copy url": "Kopiuj URL", "scheduleDate": "Data harmonogramu", - "trigger_check_warning": "Ostrzeżenie: Wykryto użycie zmiennej `trigger`, ręczne wykonanie twojego flow nie spełni zmiennej trigger." + "trigger_check_warning": "Ostrzeżenie: Wykryto użycie zmiennej `trigger`, ręczne wykonanie twojego flow nie spełni zmiennej trigger.", + "dashboard": { + "per_namespace": "(per namespace)", + "id": "ID", + "per_day": "(dziennie)", + "total_executions": "Całkowita liczba wykonań", + "success_ratio": "Wskaźnik Sukcesu", + "next_scheduled_executions": "Następne Zaplanowane Wykonania", + "executions_in_progress": "Wykonania w toku", + "next_execution_date": "Następna Data Wykonania", + "failure_ratio": "Wskaźnik Niepowodzeń" + } } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ui/src/translations/pt.json b/ui/src/translations/pt.json index 9cb12b7c31..c28937e1b7 100644 --- a/ui/src/translations/pt.json +++ b/ui/src/translations/pt.json @@ -828,6 +828,17 @@ "webhook link copied": "Link do Webhook copiado.", "copy url": "Copiar URL", "scheduleDate": "Data de agendamento", - "trigger_check_warning": "Aviso: Detecção do uso da variável `trigger`, a execução manual do seu flow não atenderá a variável trigger." + "trigger_check_warning": "Aviso: Detecção do uso da variável `trigger`, a execução manual do seu flow não atenderá a variável trigger.", + "dashboard": { + "per_namespace": "(per namespace)", + "id": "ID", + "per_day": "(por dia)", + "total_executions": "Total de Execuções", + "success_ratio": "Taxa de Sucesso", + "next_scheduled_executions": "Próximas Execuções Agendadas", + "executions_in_progress": "Execuções em Progresso", + "next_execution_date": "Próxima Data de Execução", + "failure_ratio": "Taxa de Falhas" + } } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ui/src/translations/ru.json b/ui/src/translations/ru.json index d7fbf9149e..78c54ea4e8 100644 --- a/ui/src/translations/ru.json +++ b/ui/src/translations/ru.json @@ -828,6 +828,17 @@ "webhook link copied": "Ссылка на Webhook скопирована.", "copy url": "Скопировать URL", "scheduleDate": "Дата расписания", - "trigger_check_warning": "Предупреждение: Обнаружено использование переменной `trigger`, выполнение вашего flow вручную не выполнит переменную trigger." + "trigger_check_warning": "Предупреждение: Обнаружено использование переменной `trigger`, выполнение вашего flow вручную не выполнит переменную trigger.", + "dashboard": { + "per_namespace": "(на namespace)", + "id": "ID", + "per_day": "(в день)", + "total_executions": "Общее количество выполнений", + "success_ratio": "Коэффициент Успеха", + "next_scheduled_executions": "Следующие запланированные выполнения", + "executions_in_progress": "Выполняемые задачи", + "next_execution_date": "Следующая дата выполнения", + "failure_ratio": "Коэффициент отказов" + } } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ui/src/translations/zh_CN.json b/ui/src/translations/zh_CN.json index dd681aae41..838b7f4fbf 100644 --- a/ui/src/translations/zh_CN.json +++ b/ui/src/translations/zh_CN.json @@ -828,6 +828,17 @@ "webhook link copied": "Webhook链接已复制。", "copy url": "复制 URL", "scheduleDate": "计划日期", - "trigger_check_warning": "警告:检测到使用 `trigger` 变量,手动执行您的 flow 不会满足 trigger 变量。" + "trigger_check_warning": "警告:检测到使用 `trigger` 变量,手动执行您的 flow 不会满足 trigger 变量。", + "dashboard": { + "per_namespace": "(每个namespace)", + "id": "ID", + "per_day": "(每天)", + "total_executions": "总执行次数", + "success_ratio": "成功率", + "next_scheduled_executions": "下一次计划执行", + "executions_in_progress": "执行中", + "next_execution_date": "下次执行日期", + "failure_ratio": "失败率" + } } } \ No newline at end of file