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Releases: elastic/eui


04 Dec 22:23
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  • Added endpoint glyph to EuiIcon (#7383)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug with EuiSelectables with custom truncationProps, where scrollbar widths were not being accounted for (#7392)


29 Nov 18:10
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  • Updated EuiDataGrid cell actions to display above cells instead of within them, to avoid content clipping issues (#7343)
  • Updated EuiDataGrid cell expansion popovers to sit on top of cells instead of below/next to them (#7343)
  • Updated EuiListGroupItem to render an external icon and screen reader affordance for links with target set to to _blank (#7352)
  • Updated EuiListGroupItem with a new external prop, which allows enabling or disabling the new external link icon (#7352)
  • Updated EuiText to no longer set any opinionated styles on child <img> tags - use EuiImage for image display within text instead (#7360)
  • Improved EuiBasicTable/EuiInMemoryTables mobile UI for custom actions (#7361)
  • Added a new EuiDataGridToolbarControl subcomponent, which is useful for rendering your own custom EuiDataGrid toolbar buttons while matching the look of the default controls (#7369)
  • Updated EuiDataGrid's toolbar controls to show active/current counts in badges, and updated the Columns button icon (#7369)
  • Updated EuiButtonEmpty to allow passing false to textProps, which allows rendering custom button content without an extra text wrapper (#7369)
  • Updated EuiDataGrid column header cells to show the sort arrow after the heading text, instead of before (#7371)
  • Updated EuiDataGrid's column header actions icon from a chevron to boxesVertical (#7371)
  • Updated the actions column in EuiBasicTable and EuiInMemoryTables. Alongside name, the description, href, and data-test-subj properties now also accept an optional callback that the current item will be passed to (#7373)
  • Updated EuiContextMenuItem with a new toolTipProps prop (#7373)
  • EuiSelectable now allows configurable text truncation via listProps.truncationProps (#7388)
  • EuiTextTruncate now supports a new calculationDelayMs prop for working around font loading or layout shifting scenarios (#7388)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed incorrect EuiPopover positioning calculations when hasArrow was set to false (#7343)
  • Fixed EuiSuperSelect to render options with falsy values (false, 0, and ''), but not nullish values (undefined or null) (#7362)
  • Fixed EuiSuperSelect's typing to allow non-string values (e.g., booleans or numbers) (#7362)
  • Fixed EuiDataGrid's numeric and currency column heading cells to be correctly right-aligned (#7371)
  • Fixed EuiBasicTable and EuiInMemoryTable actions not showing tooltip descriptions when rendered in the all actions popover menu (#7373)
  • Fixed missing underlines on EuiContextMenu link hover (#7373)
  • Fixed visual text truncation of EuiBreadcrumbs with popoverContent (#7375)
  • Fixed EuiFormRows with hasEmptyLabelSpace being very slightly off in vertical alignment (#7380)


  • Deprecated EuiContextMenuItem's toolTipTitle prop. Use toolTipProps.title instead (#7373)
  • Deprecated EuiContextMenuItem's toolTipPosition prop. Use toolTipProps.position instead (#7373)


  • Fixed custom EuiBasicTable/EuiInMemoryTable rendering nested interactive custom actions (#7361)
  • Fixed EuiBasicTable and EuiInMemoryTable actions not correctly reading out action descriptions to screen readers (#7373)
  • Fixed EuiBasicTable and EuiInMemoryTable primary actions not visibly appearing on keyboard focus (#7373)


06 Nov 21:14
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  • Updated the background color of EuiPopovers in dark mode to increase visibility & contrast against other page/panel backgrounds (#7310)
  • Memoized EuiDataGrid to prevent unneeded re-renders (#7324)
  • Added a configurable role prop to EuiAccordion (#7326)
  • Added a configurable role prop to EuiGlobalToastList (#7328)
  • For greater flexibility, EuiSuperDatePicker now allows users to paste ISO 8601, RFC 2822, and Unix timestamps in the Absolute tab input, in addition to timestamps in the dateFormat prop (#7331)
  • Plain text EuiComboBoxes now behave more like a normal text field/input. Backspacing will no longer delete the entire value, and selected values can now be double clicked and copied. (#7332)
  • EuiDataGrid's display settings popover now allows users to clear the "Lines per row" input before typing in a new number (#7338)
  • Improved the UX of EuiSuperDatePicker's Absolute tab for users manually typing in timestamps (#7341)
  • Updated EuiI18ns with multiple tokens to accept dynamic values (#7341)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed EuiComboBox's onSearchChange callback to pass the correct hasMatchingOptions value (#7334)
  • Fixed an EuiSelectableTemplateSitewide bug where the popoverButton behavior would break if passed a non-DOM React wrapper (#7339)


  • EuiPopover: deprecated anchorClassName. Use className instead (#7311)
  • EuiPopover: deprecated buttonRef. Use popoverRef instead (#7311)
  • EuiPopover: removed extra .euiPopover__anchor div wrapper. Target .euiPopover instead if necessary (#7311)
  • Deprecated EuiButtonGroup's name prop. This can safely be removed. (#7325)

Breaking changes

  • Removed deprecated euiPaletteComplimentary - use euiPaletteComplementary Instead (#7333)


  • Updated type="single" EuiButtonGroups to render standard buttons instead of radio buttons under the hood, per recent a11y recommendations (#7325)
  • EuiAccordion now defaults to a less screenreader-noisy group role instead of region. If your accordion contains significant enough content to be a document landmark role, you may re-configure it back to region. (#7326)
  • Reduced screen reader noisiness when sorting EuiDataGrid columns via toolbar (#7327)
  • EuiGlobalToastList now defaults to a log role. If your toasts will always require immediate user action, consider (with caution) using the alert role instead. (#7328)

CSS-in-JS conversions

  • Updated $euiFontFamily and $euiCodeFontFamily to match Emotion fonts (#7332)


30 Oct 19:21
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  • Updated the eventColor prop on EuiCommentEvent to apply the color to the entire comment header. (#7288)
  • Updated EuiBasicTable and EuiInMemoryTable to support a new controlled selection API: selection.selected (#7321)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed controlled EuiFieldNumbers not correctly updating native validity state (#7291)
  • Fixed EuiListGroupItem to pass style props to the wrapping <li> element alongside className and css. All other props will be passed to the underlying content. (#7298)
  • Fixed EuiListGroupItem's non-transitioned transform on hover/focus (#7298)
  • Fixed EuiDataGrids with gridStyle.stripes sometimes showing buggy row striping after being sorted (#7301)
  • Fixed EuiDataGrid's gridStyle.rowClasses API to not conflict with gridStyle.stripes if dynamically updated (#7301)
  • Fixed EuiDataGrid's gridStyle.rowClasses API to support multiple space-separated classes (#7301)
  • Fixed EuiInputPopover not calling onPanelResize callback prop (#7305)
  • Fixed EuiDualRange incorrectly positioning highlights when rendered with showInput="inputWithPopover" (#7305)
  • Fixed EuiTabs incorrectly wrapping text when it should instead either scroll or truncate (#7309)
  • EuiContextMenu now renders text colors correctly when used within an EuiBottomBar (#7312)
  • Fixed the width of EuiSuperDatePicker's Absolute date picker (#7313)
  • Fixed EuiDataGrid cells visually cutting off overflowing content a little too quickly (#7320)


  • Deprecated EuiBasicTable and EuiInMemoryTable's ref setSelection API. Use the new selection.selected API instead. (#7321)

Breaking changes

  • Removed EuiPageTemplate_Deprecated, EuiPageSideBar_Deprecated, and EuiPageContent*_Deprecated (#7265)
  • Removed the ghost color option from EuiButton, EuiButtonEmpty, and EuiButtonIcon. Use an <EuiThemeProvider colorMode="dark"> wrapper and color="text" instead. (#7296)

Dependency updates

  • Updated refractor to v3.6.0 (#7127)
  • Updated rehype-raw to v5.1.0 (#7127)
  • Updated vfile to v4.2.1 (#7127)


  • EuiContextMenu now correctly respects reduced motion preferences (#7312)
  • EuiAccordions no longer attempt to focus child content when the accordion is externally opened via forceState, but will continue to focus expanded content when users click the toggle button. (#7314)

CSS-in-JS conversions

  • Converted EuiContextMenu, EuiContextMenuPanel, and EuiContextMenuItem to Emotion; Removed $euiContextMenuWidth (#7312)


16 Oct 18:33
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  • Added tokenVectorSparse token and updated tokenDenseVector token (now named tokenVectorDense). (#7282)

CSS-in-JS conversions

  • Reduced default CSS prefixes generated by Emotion to only browsers supported by EUI (latest evergreen browsers). This can be customized by passing your own Emotion cache to EuiProvider. (#7272)


09 Oct 18:14
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  • Added new pushAnimation prop to push EuiFlyouts, which enables a slide in animation (#7239)
  • Updated EuiComboBox to use EuiInputPopover under the hood (#7246)
  • Added inputPopoverProps to EuiComboBox, which allows customizing the underlying popover (#7246)
  • Added a new beta EuiTextBlockTruncate component for multi-line truncation (#7250)
  • Updated EuiBasicTable and EuiInMemoryTable to support multi-line truncation. This can be set via truncateText.lines in the columns prop. (#7254)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed EuiFlexGroup and EuiFlexGrid's m gutter size (#7251)
  • Fixed focus trap rerender issues in EuiFlyout with memoization (#7259)
  • Fixed a visual bug with EuiContextMenu's animation between panels (#7268)

Breaking changes

  • EUI's global body font-size now respects the font.defaultUnits token. This means that the global font size will use the rem unit by default, instead of px. (#7182)
  • Removed exported accessibleClickKeys, comboBoxKeys, and cascadingMenuKeys services. Use the generic keys service instead (#7256)
  • Removed EuiColorStops due to low usage (#7262)
  • Removed EuiSuggest. We recommend using EuiSelectable or EuiComboBox instead (#7263)
  • Removed euiHeaderAffordForFixed Sass mixin, and $euiHeaderHeight and $euiHeaderHeightCompensation Sass variables. Use the CSS variable --var(euiFixedHeadersOffset, 0) instead. (#7264)


  • When using rem or em font units, EUI now respects, instead of ignoring, browser default font sizes set by end users. (#7182)


03 Oct 18:37
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  • This release contains internal changes to a beta component needed by Kibana.


02 Oct 17:30
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Bug fixes

  • Fixed EuiComboBox search input width not resetting correctly on selection (#7240)


29 Sep 15:48
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Bug fixes

  • Fixed broken EuiTextTruncate testenv mocks (#7234)


28 Sep 17:48
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  • Improved the performance of EuiComboBox by removing the react-autosizer-input dependency (#7215)

Dependency updates

  • Updated react-element-to-jsx-string to v5.0.0 (#7214)
  • Removed unused @types/vfile-message dependency (#7214)