Build a ridiculously optimized Magento 2 local dev environment in minutes - with a single command.
Are you a newcomer on Magento 2?
Welcome. And forget the manual setup of its complex tech stack.
Are you a senior Magento developer?
Forget tons of repetitive commands you have been issuing for years with the handy aliases that comes with this tool.
Do you have a Magento 2 agency?
Drastically cut down the time spent (aka costs) with onboarding.
One of the following operating systems (or a derivate of them):
- Ubuntu 22.04+
- Arch 2022+
- Fedora 36+
And git
. Probably you already have it, but just in case:
- Ubuntu:
sudo apt install -y git
- Arch:
sudo pacman -S --noconfirm git
- Fedora:
sudo dnf install -y git
[One-time-only] Execute the following command to install this tool:
INSTALL_DIR=~/.local/share/discorgento/m2-auto-setup bash -c '[ -d "$INSTALL_DIR" ] && rm "$INSTALL_DIR" -rf; git clone "$INSTALL_DIR" &> /dev/null && cd "$INSTALL_DIR" && ./ && cd - > /dev/null'
From now on whenever you want to setup a store, just use the following command:
dg-setup-m2 [email protected]:path/to/repo.git
💡 Naturally, remember to replace the
[email protected]:path/to/repo.git
with the git-cloneable url of your M2 store repository.
Now type your sudo password, wait a few minutes, and voi là!